Estudio del comportamiento dinámico de sistemas de información basado en redes complejas.
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Escuela de Posgrado - Facultad Regional Buenos Aires
La Ingeniería del Software requiere de métricas adecuadas para dar soporte a la toma de decisiones técnicas y de gestión en el proceso de desarrollo de software. Se han desarrollado cientos de métricas
hasta el momento pero el área de métricas de software todavía no se encuentra en un nivel de madurez adecuado para una disciplina sistémica y cuantificable como la Ingeniería del Software. Esto se debe principalmente a que la mayoría de las métricas desarrolladas no proveen la información necesaria de forma oportuna y precisa. En esta tesis de Maestría el autor propone una metodología de análisis dinámico del diseño de sistemas basada en redes complejas, consistente en el modelado del diseño de sistemas como una red compleja y en el cálculo de métricas sobre dicho modelo.
Software engineering requires adequate metrics to support the technical and management decisionmaking processes in the development of software. Hundreds of metrics have been developed, but the software metrics area has not yet reached the level of maturity required in a systemic and measurable discipline such as software engineering. This is mainly because most of the developed metrics do not provide necessary information in an accurate and timely manner. In this master's thesis, the author proposes a methodology for the dynamic analysis of a system's design based on complex networks. The dynamic analysis consists of modeling the system's design as a complex network and the calculation of metrics on that model.
Software engineering requires adequate metrics to support the technical and management decisionmaking processes in the development of software. Hundreds of metrics have been developed, but the software metrics area has not yet reached the level of maturity required in a systemic and measurable discipline such as software engineering. This is mainly because most of the developed metrics do not provide necessary information in an accurate and timely manner. In this master's thesis, the author proposes a methodology for the dynamic analysis of a system's design based on complex networks. The dynamic analysis consists of modeling the system's design as a complex network and the calculation of metrics on that model.
Ingeniería, Sistemas de Información, Redes Complejas, Metricas de software, Complex Networks, Software metrics
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