Influencia del curado sobre la evolución de la corrosión en vigas de hormigón armado con diferentes agregados finos
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En este trabajo se analiza cómo el tipo de curado afecta la microestructura de hormigones con diferentes agregados finos, respecto al ingreso de fluidos, que se vinculan estrechamente con el deterioro del acero. Se evaluaron de 5 grupos distintos de probetas y vigas de hormigón armado, con curados: normal, en ambiente de laboratorio, en mufla, en ambiente frío y bajo la acción del viento. Las vigas fueron sometidas a ensayos de corrosión acelerada, en presencia de cloruros. Se concluyó que la velocidad de succión capilar es muy sensible al tipo de curado. En la corrosión de las vigas, el curado defectuoso influyo fuertemente sobre el tiempo de aparición de la primera fisura, el área y el ancho máximo de fisuras.
This paper analyses how the type of curing affects concrete microstructures with different fine aggregates in relation to the ingress of fluids closely connected with steel deterioration. Five different groups of specimens and beams of reinforced concrete were evaluated with curing in normal conditions, at laboratory ambient, in muffle furnace, at cold ambient and under wind action. Beams were submitted to accelerated corrosion tests in the presence of chlorides. It was concluded that capillary suction is very sensitive to the type of curing. In beam corrosion, defective curing highly influenced the time of appearance of the first crack, the area and maximum wide of cracks.
This paper analyses how the type of curing affects concrete microstructures with different fine aggregates in relation to the ingress of fluids closely connected with steel deterioration. Five different groups of specimens and beams of reinforced concrete were evaluated with curing in normal conditions, at laboratory ambient, in muffle furnace, at cold ambient and under wind action. Beams were submitted to accelerated corrosion tests in the presence of chlorides. It was concluded that capillary suction is very sensitive to the type of curing. In beam corrosion, defective curing highly influenced the time of appearance of the first crack, the area and maximum wide of cracks.
Arena triturada, Hormigón armado, Corrosión, Cloruros, Crushed sand, Shape and surface texture, Reinforced concrete, Corrosion, Chlorides
Revista ALCONPAT vol. 2 (2): 73-84 (2012)
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