Water Consumption Reduction: Electronically Controlled Drip Irrigation Systems
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Abstract: Starting from the global problem related to water
scarcity and focusing on the technological resources related
to our electronic engineering studies, we approached the
investigation of a drip irrigation system with electronic
control that allows managing water resources for agricultural
production. After evaluating and studying the problems,
analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of the system,
evaluating ground sensing methods, as well as the
components and sensors to be used, we proposed a system
based on the Arduino open source platform. This system
allows us to have a specific control of irrigation through soil
sensing and controlled pumping, which allows efficient use
of available water. Also, this system is capable of granting
and storing data for a later analysis and improvement of
production in general. We finally conclude that by using this
system, the main problem of efficient water use is solved,
reducing the unnecessary expense of water resources and, in
turn, providing great benefits for agricultural production.
Lack of water, Falta de agua, water crisis, crisis de agua, conservation methods, conservación métodos, drip irrigation, riego por goteo, smart irrigation systems, sistema de riego inteligentes, automated agriculture,, automatizado agricultura, Arduino based irrigation., Riego basado en Arduino
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