DSL tool SIS: tecnología de software CASE para modelado específico de dominio en sistemas de información sanitaria basado en estándar de interoperabilidad clínica
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Los sistemas de información sanitaria plantean dos grandes retos. Por un lado, deben ir adaptándose a las constantes actualizaciones tecnológicas. Y por otro, deben posibilitar la integración de toda la información y su disponibilidad en cada punto en que se necesite acceder a ella. La primera dificultad se abordó con el enfoque del Modelado Específico de Dominio (DSM). El poder de abstracción que provee el DSM permite a los ingenieros de software manejar la complejidad creciente de una manera rápida y clara. Ocultando los detalles de implementación, se consigue una mayor adaptabilidad. Por eso resulta muy beneficioso disponer de un Lenguaje Específico de Dominio (DSL) como el que aquí se propone: SIS_Static, complementado por un DSL dinámico: SIS_Dynamic. Para solucionar el segundo problema, el de la comunicación entre distintos sistemas, se sentaron las bases de la propuesta en un estándar de interoperabilidad clínica: FHIR. Así, se implementó una herramienta de software basada en DSM que permite crear especificaciones gráficas de alto nivel y, a partir de ellas, producir código fuente de manera automatizada, en distintos lenguajes de programación.
Health information systems pose two great challenges. On the one hand, they must adapt to constant technological updates. And on the other, they must enable the integration of all the information and its availability at each point where it is needed to access it. The first difficulty was addressed with the Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) approach. The power of abstraction provided by DSM enables software engineers to handle increasing complexity quickly and clearly. By hiding the implementation details, you achieve greater adaptability. That is why it is very beneficial to have a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) like the one proposed here: SIS_Static, complemented by a dynamic DSL: SIS_Dynamic. To solve the second problem, that of communication between different systems, the bases of the proposal were laid on a clinical interoperability standard: FHIR. Thus, a DSM-based software tool was implemented that allows the creation of high-level graphic specifications and, based on them, produce source code in an automated way, in different programming languages.
Health information systems pose two great challenges. On the one hand, they must adapt to constant technological updates. And on the other, they must enable the integration of all the information and its availability at each point where it is needed to access it. The first difficulty was addressed with the Domain-Specific Modeling (DSM) approach. The power of abstraction provided by DSM enables software engineers to handle increasing complexity quickly and clearly. By hiding the implementation details, you achieve greater adaptability. That is why it is very beneficial to have a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) like the one proposed here: SIS_Static, complemented by a dynamic DSL: SIS_Dynamic. To solve the second problem, that of communication between different systems, the bases of the proposal were laid on a clinical interoperability standard: FHIR. Thus, a DSM-based software tool was implemented that allows the creation of high-level graphic specifications and, based on them, produce source code in an automated way, in different programming languages.
Modelado específico de dominio (DSM), Lenguaje específico de dominio (DSL), Fast healthcare interoperability resources (FHIR), Desarrollo dirigido por modelos (MDD), Domain specific modeling (DSM), Domain specific language (DSL), Fast healthcare interoperability resources (FHIR), Model-driven development (MDD)
Revista Ingenio Tecnológico. Vol. 4. (2022) p. 1-9
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