Análisis de secuencias de imágenes de cultivos celulares
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El retinoblastoma es un tumor ocular frecuente en la infancia. En el Hospital Prof. J.P. Garra-
han, se utilizan actualmente un número de fármacos que se administran por distintas vías
según el criterio del oftalmólogo y del oncólogo.
El topotecan es un fármaco ampliamente utilizado en el tratamiento de este tumor. La prin-
cipal ventaja del topotecan es que puede cuantificarse su penetración en la célula a través de
la fluorescencia emitida por el mismo, por excitación de un láser. Debido a esta fluorescencia,
el topotecan aparece en color gris claro en las imágenes de microscopio. Este trabajo está
dedicado al estudio y aplicación de técnicas de análisis y procesamiento de secuencias de
imágenes, combinadas con modelos estadísticos, con el objeto de determinar y predecir
el tiempo de penetración del topotecan en cúmulos tumorales (conjunto de células tumo-
rales). Evaluando la influencia del tamaño de los cúmulos y si el individuo ha sido tratado
previamente con quimioterapia. Los experimentos se realizan con imágenes de microscopio
tomadas sobre cultivos célulares de tejidos tumorales, inyectados con topotecan
Retinoblastoma is a frequent ocular tumor in childhood. In the Hospital Prof. J.P. Garrahan, are currently used several drugs in different ways of administration according to ophthalmo- logist and the oncologist criteria. Topotecan is a widely used drug in this tumor treatment. The main advantage of topotecan is that its penetration into the cell can be quantified through the fluorescence emitted by it, when excited by a laser. Due to its fluorescence, topotecan appears light gray in the microscope images. This work is devoted to determine and predict the penetration time of topotecan in tumor clusters, by the study and application of image processing techniques on sequences of images, combined with statistical models. The influence of the size of the clusters and if the individual has been previously treated with chemotherapy are assessed. The experiments are performed with microscope images taken on cell cultures of tumor tissues, injected with topotecan.
Retinoblastoma is a frequent ocular tumor in childhood. In the Hospital Prof. J.P. Garrahan, are currently used several drugs in different ways of administration according to ophthalmo- logist and the oncologist criteria. Topotecan is a widely used drug in this tumor treatment. The main advantage of topotecan is that its penetration into the cell can be quantified through the fluorescence emitted by it, when excited by a laser. Due to its fluorescence, topotecan appears light gray in the microscope images. This work is devoted to determine and predict the penetration time of topotecan in tumor clusters, by the study and application of image processing techniques on sequences of images, combined with statistical models. The influence of the size of the clusters and if the individual has been previously treated with chemotherapy are assessed. The experiments are performed with microscope images taken on cell cultures of tumor tissues, injected with topotecan.
análisis de secuencias de imágenes, topotecan, tiempo de penetración, modelos mixtos, images sequences analysys, topotecan, penetration time, combined models
Proyecciones, Vol. 17 No. 1
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