Calidad de productos: la sostenibilidad como características a lograr en los productos software
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AJEA- Actas de Jornadas y Eventos Académicos de UTN
El software es la herramienta necesaria para las más diversas y variadas gestiones en la actualidad. La
elección del mismo se hace en función a requerimientos específicos y respetando ciertos criterios de calidad que se evalúan mediante modelos o estándares. La sostenibilidad, habitualmente se relaciona con el medio ambiente, pero si lo entendemos desde sus dimensiones: ambiental, técnica, económica y social, y como el concepto que trasciende múltiples disciplinas, es posible relacionarlo con la calidad del software como aquella característica transversal al modelo o estándar que la caracteriza. En el presente trabajo se define un modelo de calidad en base a la ISO/IEC 25010 y a la sostenibilidad como característica transversal. Se definen las métricas e indicadores para analizar con criterios de sostenibilidad: en qué medida un software es sostenible. Este trabajo de investigación se enmarca dentro de los siguientes proyectos de Investigación: Ingeniería de Software: Estrategias de Desarrollo, Mantenimiento y Migración de Sistemas en la Nube - Facultad de Ciencias Físico-Matemáticas y Naturales, Universidad Nacional de San Luis. Proyecto Nº P-03-2020 y el Proyecto de Investigación y Desarrollo PID UTN 7901 de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Facultad Regional San Francisco
The software is the necessary tool for the most diverse and varied procedures today. The choice of the same is made based on specific requirements and respecting certain quality criteria that are evaluated through models or standards. Sustainability is usually related to the environment, but if we understand it from its dimensions: environmental, technical, economic and social, and as a concept that transcends multiple disciplines, it is possible to relate it to software quality as that transversal characteristic of the model. or standard that characterizes it. In this paper, a quality model is defined based on ISO/IEC 25010 and sustainability as a transversal characteristic. The metrics and indicators are defined to analyze with sustainability criteria: to what extent a software is sustainable. This research work is part of the following research projects: Software Engineering: Strategies for the Development, Maintenance and Migration of Cloud Systems – Faculty of Physical-Mathematical and Natural Sciences, National University of San Luis. Project No. P-03-2020 and the Research and Development Project PID UTN 7901 of the National Technological University, San Francisco Regional Faculty.
The software is the necessary tool for the most diverse and varied procedures today. The choice of the same is made based on specific requirements and respecting certain quality criteria that are evaluated through models or standards. Sustainability is usually related to the environment, but if we understand it from its dimensions: environmental, technical, economic and social, and as a concept that transcends multiple disciplines, it is possible to relate it to software quality as that transversal characteristic of the model. or standard that characterizes it. In this paper, a quality model is defined based on ISO/IEC 25010 and sustainability as a transversal characteristic. The metrics and indicators are defined to analyze with sustainability criteria: to what extent a software is sustainable. This research work is part of the following research projects: Software Engineering: Strategies for the Development, Maintenance and Migration of Cloud Systems – Faculty of Physical-Mathematical and Natural Sciences, National University of San Luis. Project No. P-03-2020 and the Research and Development Project PID UTN 7901 of the National Technological University, San Francisco Regional Faculty.
Modelo de Calidad de Software, ISO 25010, Sostenibilidad, Métricas e Indicadores, Recursos, Software Quality Model, Sustainability, Metrics and Indicators, Means
Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología 2022
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