Estrategias pedagógicas para la enseñanza de la programación.
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En el ambiente profesional de Sistemas de Información la Programación Orientada a Objetos
(POO) constituye un paradigma de creciente preponderancia como modo de construir solu-
ciones informáticas. Asimismo, la universidad tiene un rol fundamental en formar profesio-
nales actualizados tecnológicamente para fortalecer el proyecto productivo nacional. En este
trabajo se aborda una experiencia singular que se llevó adelante en la materia Paradigmas
de Programación de la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas de Información de la UTN.BA. Sus
docentes desarrollaron un software educativo, denominado Ozono, que dentro del ambiente
de desarrollo del lenguaje Smalltalk, se utiliza como estrategia pedagógica para enseñar a
programar en Objetos. Por otra parte, con los aportes de las pedagogías críticas –en especial
de Paulo Freire y del construccionismo de Seymour Papert, creador de Logo– se analiza la
utilización de la herramienta con el fin de facilitar el proceso de aprendizaje de los estudian-
tes, su inscripción en la propuesta curricular de la asignatura y la perspectiva del contexto
profesional, prestando especial atención a la práctica docente y a la experiencia de los mis-
mos estudiantes.
Assuming that Object-oriented Programming constitutes a paradigm with growing dominance as a way to build solutions in the professional environment of Information Systems and that the uni- versity has a fundamental role in education of updated technologically professionals to strengthen the national productive project, is boarded a singular experience that is realized in the asigna- ture "Programming Paradigms" in career of Information Systems Engineering (UTN.BA), where teachers have developed an educational software, called Ozono, that within the development environment of Smalltalk language, is used as a pedagogical strategy for teaching to program in Objects. With the contributions of critical pedagogies -especially Paulo Freire- and constructionism of Seymour Papert -the creator of Logo-, is analyzed the tool usage to facilitate the learning pro- cess of students, its inclusion in the proposed curriculum of the subject and the perspective of professional context, with special attention to teaching practice and experience of the students themselves. Also, guidelines for the use and maintenance of such software arise.
Assuming that Object-oriented Programming constitutes a paradigm with growing dominance as a way to build solutions in the professional environment of Information Systems and that the uni- versity has a fundamental role in education of updated technologically professionals to strengthen the national productive project, is boarded a singular experience that is realized in the asigna- ture "Programming Paradigms" in career of Information Systems Engineering (UTN.BA), where teachers have developed an educational software, called Ozono, that within the development environment of Smalltalk language, is used as a pedagogical strategy for teaching to program in Objects. With the contributions of critical pedagogies -especially Paulo Freire- and constructionism of Seymour Papert -the creator of Logo-, is analyzed the tool usage to facilitate the learning pro- cess of students, its inclusion in the proposed curriculum of the subject and the perspective of professional context, with special attention to teaching practice and experience of the students themselves. Also, guidelines for the use and maintenance of such software arise.
enseñanza, software educativo, programación orientada a objetos, ozono, pedagogía, teaching, educational software, object oriented programming, pedagogy
Proyecciones, Vol. 14 No. 1
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