Propuesta de protocolo de formación de pares experimentales de programadores.
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Facultad Regional Buenos Aires
Dentro del área de Ingeniería de Software Experimental, es habitual enfrentarse a la necesidad de
realizar experimentos con un conjunto reducido de personas las cuales aplican diferentes
tratamientos a los objetos de estudio. Dicha situación requiere tener en cuenta las diferencias de
aptitudes que pudieran existir entre los participantes del experimento para que estas no afecten la
interpretación de los resultados. En este contexto, el presente trabajo de tesis tiene como objetivo
elaborar un protocolo que permita formar pares experimentales homogéneos de programadores, con
el propósito de asegurar que dos sujetos de iguales características sean indistinguibles en lo que
refiere a sus aptitudes como programadores. El protocolo permitirá evaluar características de los
lenguajes de programación o de las herramientas utilizadas para programar, sin que estas
mediciones se vean afectadas por las habilidades de los programadores que las emplean. Se presenta
un caso testigo que permite validar el protocolo, el cual tiene como propósito demostrar que los
pares experimentales formados no presentan diferencias significativas, en lo que refiere a calidad y
tiempo, en la codificación de una especificación. Por último se aplica el protocolo a un caso, en el
cual se busca determinar si un lenguaje de programación incide o no en la productividad de sujetos
que son considerados homogéneos en lo que refiere a sus conocimientos y habilidades.
In the field of Experimental Software Engineering, it is usual to face the need to perform experiments with a small group of people that apply different treatments to the objects of study. This situation requires taking into account the differences in aptitudes that may exist among the participants of the experiment so that, they do not affect the results interpretation. In this context, this thesis work aims to develop a protocol that allows to form homogeneous experimental pairs of programmers, in order to ensure that the characteristics of the subjects are identical with regard to their skills as programmers. The protocol will allow to evaluate the characteristics of the programming languages or the tools used to program, without these measurements being affected by the skills of the programmers who use them. A test case is presented to validate the protocol, whose purpose is to demonstrate that the experimental pairs do not present significant differences, according to quality and time, in the coding of a specification. Finally, the protocol is applied to a case, which seeks to determine if a programming language affects or not the productivity of subjects that are considered homogeneous in relation to their knowledge and skills.
In the field of Experimental Software Engineering, it is usual to face the need to perform experiments with a small group of people that apply different treatments to the objects of study. This situation requires taking into account the differences in aptitudes that may exist among the participants of the experiment so that, they do not affect the results interpretation. In this context, this thesis work aims to develop a protocol that allows to form homogeneous experimental pairs of programmers, in order to ensure that the characteristics of the subjects are identical with regard to their skills as programmers. The protocol will allow to evaluate the characteristics of the programming languages or the tools used to program, without these measurements being affected by the skills of the programmers who use them. A test case is presented to validate the protocol, whose purpose is to demonstrate that the experimental pairs do not present significant differences, according to quality and time, in the coding of a specification. Finally, the protocol is applied to a case, which seeks to determine if a programming language affects or not the productivity of subjects that are considered homogeneous in relation to their knowledge and skills.
Ingeniería en Sistemas de Información, Experimentación en ingeniería de software, Protocolo, Pares experimentales de programadores, Productividad, Programación, Experimentation in software engineering, Protocol, Experimental pairs of programmers, Productivity, Programming
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