Sistema de compostaje mecanizado para el guano de gallinas ponedoras
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Una de las principales actividades económicas en Entre Ríos es la producción avícola de la cual una parte está abocada a la industria de los ovoproductos provenientes de gallinas ponedoras de huevos para consumo humano. Estas gallinas generan grandes volúmenes de guano diario, el cual si no es tratado adecuadamente ocasiona efectos negativos tales como: contaminación ambiental, proliferación de moscas, transmisión de enfermedades perjudiciales para la salud humana y también animal. Por esta razón, se sugiere dentro de las distintas opciones que existen para reducir o eliminar dichos impactos negativos, la producción de compost, es decir, la elaboración de abono orgánico natural de calidad. En este proyecto se diseña un sistema mecanizado capaz de contribuir eficientemente al proceso de compostaje tradicional de los subproductos no comestibles de origen aviar, y tiene como propósitos dar solución factible a los problemas mencionados logrando paralelamente convertir un “desecho” sin valor comercial en un producto rentable.
Para esto se realizaron relevamientos de datos en una granja de la zona; se evaluaron las tecnologías nacionales y extranjeras instaladas en nuestro país. También se abordaron las técnicas de compostaje en base al volteo de unas pilas de guano mezclada con materiales orgánicos carbonados que requieren de determinadas dimensiones características las cuales sirvieron para dimensionar en gran parte no sólo la máquina de rotación para homogeneizar y airear la mezcla sino también su estructura contenedora (bateas) y la planta de tratamiento en general. Se presentan además, las variables que influyen principalmente en el proceso como son la humedad y la temperatura y cómo se realiza su control para mantenerlas dentro de los rangos adecuados para poder obtener un producto final de buena calidad. Finalmente, es importante destacar que se proyecta teniendo en cuenta criterios técnicos y económicos para que este equipo sea factible de ser fabricado en nuestro país con materia prima nacional y con materiales eléctricos normalizados, procurando el mínimo mantenimiento, la mayor vida útil, la seguridad de la máquina y las personas, generando así una actividad rentable con empleabilidad de mano de obra para su fabricación y posterior operatividad.
One of the main economic activities in Entre Rios is the poultry production, of which a part of it is focused on egg products from laying hens of eggs for human consuming. Those hens generate great amounts of daily guano, which if it is not treated correctly it causes negative effects such as: environmental pollution and proliferation of flies, transmission of harmful diseases for human and animal health. For this reason it is suggested among the different options that exist to eliminate or reduce such negative impacts, the compost production, that is, the elaboration of natural organic fertilizer of great quality. In this project a mechanical system is designed able to contribute effectively to the process of traditional composting of the inedible sub products of fowl origin, and it has the purposes of giving a workable solution to the problems mentioned, succeeding at the same time in changing a waist without commercial value into a profitable product. For this a compilation of data was made in a local farm, the national and foreign technologies were evaluated installed in our country. Besides, the composting techniques were discussed based on the rolling over of a few batteries of guano mixed with organic carbonado materials that require specific dimensions features which were useful for measuring not only the rotation machine for homogenizing and airing out but also the containers and the treatment plant in general. The variable factors that influence mainly in the process such as damp and temperature are also presented, and how their control is done to keep them among the adequate ranges to be able to obtain a final product of good quality. Finally, it is important to mention that it is projected taking into account technical and economic approaches so that this equipment will be capable of being made in our country as national raw material and with normalized electrical materials, trying the minimal maintenance, the major useful life, the security of the machine and the people, generating in this way a profitable activity with employability of the labor force for its manufacture and its later deployment.
One of the main economic activities in Entre Rios is the poultry production, of which a part of it is focused on egg products from laying hens of eggs for human consuming. Those hens generate great amounts of daily guano, which if it is not treated correctly it causes negative effects such as: environmental pollution and proliferation of flies, transmission of harmful diseases for human and animal health. For this reason it is suggested among the different options that exist to eliminate or reduce such negative impacts, the compost production, that is, the elaboration of natural organic fertilizer of great quality. In this project a mechanical system is designed able to contribute effectively to the process of traditional composting of the inedible sub products of fowl origin, and it has the purposes of giving a workable solution to the problems mentioned, succeeding at the same time in changing a waist without commercial value into a profitable product. For this a compilation of data was made in a local farm, the national and foreign technologies were evaluated installed in our country. Besides, the composting techniques were discussed based on the rolling over of a few batteries of guano mixed with organic carbonado materials that require specific dimensions features which were useful for measuring not only the rotation machine for homogenizing and airing out but also the containers and the treatment plant in general. The variable factors that influence mainly in the process such as damp and temperature are also presented, and how their control is done to keep them among the adequate ranges to be able to obtain a final product of good quality. Finally, it is important to mention that it is projected taking into account technical and economic approaches so that this equipment will be capable of being made in our country as national raw material and with normalized electrical materials, trying the minimal maintenance, the major useful life, the security of the machine and the people, generating in this way a profitable activity with employability of the labor force for its manufacture and its later deployment.
Compost orgánico, Biomasa, Compostaje mecanizado, Avicultura, Guano
PFC 1605 A Ingeniería Electromecánica FRCU
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