Análisis de técnicas para el abordaje de riesgos y oportunidades en un laboratorio de ensayos y calibraciones
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5º CADI - 11º CAEDI
La norma IRAM ISO/IEC 17025:2017 establece los requisitos que deben cumplir los laboratorios de ensayo y de calibración para demostrar que poseen la competencia necesaria para implementar y mantener un sistema de gestión y asegurar el cumplimiento de todo requisito técnico, normativo, reglamentario o del cliente, que garantice la validez de los resultados. El Laboratorio de Mediciones y Ensayos está acreditado por el Organismo Argentino de Acreditación para la realización de ensayos de seguridad eléctrica, compatibilidad electromagnética, eficiencia energética y alta tensión, como parte de una gestión de contralor ejercida por la Secretaría de Comercio Interior. Además, brinda servicios de calibraciones en varias magnitudes. Un sistema de gestión debe detectar y abordar los riesgos que subyacen en cualquier actividad donde la validez del resultado debe ser garantizada. En este trabajo se analizaron técnicas para identificar dichos riesgos, y elaboraron propuestas para mitigarlos o eliminarlos, a partir de un acabado conocimiento del laboratorio y el contexto social en el que se encuentra inmerso, incluyendo los actores que interactúan con él, favoreciendo así a la mejora continua del sistema de gestión, haciéndose eco de normativa general como la ISO/IEC 17025, o específica para el caso como la ISO 31000.
The international standar IRAM ISO/IEC 17025:2017 establishes the requirements por the competence of testing and calibration laboratories to demostrate that they have the necessary competence to implement and maintain a management system and to assure compliance with any technical, regulatory or customer requirements that guarantee the validity of the results. The Laboratory of Measurements and Tests is accredited by the Argentine Accreditation Organization to realice tests of electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility, energy efficiency and high voltage, as part of a control management exercised by the Ministry of Internal Trade. Also, it provides calibration services in several magnitudes. A management system must detect and address the risks underlying any activity where the validity of the result must be ensureed. In this paper, we were analyzed techniques to identify these risks, and developed suggestions to mitigate or eliminate them, based on a complete knowledge of the laboratory and the social context in which it is immersed, including the actors that interact with it, favoring in this way the continuous improvement of the management system, echoing general regulations such as ISO/IEC 17025, or specific to the case as ISO 31000.
The international standar IRAM ISO/IEC 17025:2017 establishes the requirements por the competence of testing and calibration laboratories to demostrate that they have the necessary competence to implement and maintain a management system and to assure compliance with any technical, regulatory or customer requirements that guarantee the validity of the results. The Laboratory of Measurements and Tests is accredited by the Argentine Accreditation Organization to realice tests of electrical safety, electromagnetic compatibility, energy efficiency and high voltage, as part of a control management exercised by the Ministry of Internal Trade. Also, it provides calibration services in several magnitudes. A management system must detect and address the risks underlying any activity where the validity of the result must be ensureed. In this paper, we were analyzed techniques to identify these risks, and developed suggestions to mitigate or eliminate them, based on a complete knowledge of the laboratory and the social context in which it is immersed, including the actors that interact with it, favoring in this way the continuous improvement of the management system, echoing general regulations such as ISO/IEC 17025, or specific to the case as ISO 31000.
Riesgos, Oportunidades, Sistema de gestión, Normativa
Galiano, M.M. et al. (5-7 de octubre de 2021). Análisis de técnicas para el abordaje de riesgos y oportunidades en un laboratorio de ensayos y calibraciones. 5° Congreso Argentino de Ingeniería y 11° Congreso Argentino de Enseñanza de la Ingeniería (5º CADI - 11º CAEDI), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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