Reestructuración edificio principal de la Municipalidad de Colón, Entre Ríos.
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En la ciudad de Colón, provincia de Entre Ríos, a través de un relevamiento,
entrevistas y encuestas con personas idóneas se detectaron tres problemáticas que se decidieronresolver en este proyecto final.
Por un lado, se analizó la intersección entre RN N°130 y calle José Artalaz sobre el
acceso Norte de la ciudad de Colón donde se generan diariamente inconvenientes tanto para laspersonas que acuden al barrio Artalaz como para los que se desplazan diariamente por esta ruta.
Se resolvió el cambio del perfil de la RN N°130 y se adicionaron semáforos en la
intersección con el fin de brindar mejores condiciones de tránsito en dicha infraestructura.
Por otro lado, se trabajó sobre el edificio donde se desarrollan las actividades de la
Municipalidad de Colon, ubicada sobre calle José Hernández, entre Calle 12 de Abril y Avda. Gral. Urquiza. Se detectó una deficiencia edilicia con respecto a las necesidades tanto de los funcionarios como del ciudadano en general que hace uso de estas instalaciones.
Se proyectaron una serie de edificios en el predio existente para que respondan a las
necesidades actuales y futuras, brindando a la ciudadanía un mejor servicio. Se profundizó sobre la estructura resistente de uno de los edificios de la propuesta, llegando a nivel de proyecto ejecutivo.
Por último, se trabajó sobre la cuenca denominada Vieytes, ubicada en la zona sur de
la ciudad. Se observaron deficiencias con respecto al sistema de drenaje pluvial lo cual conlleva a que los habitantes de la zona sufran inundaciones y anegamientos a causa de las precipitaciones.
Se proyectaron obras que regularicen el drenaje y disminuyan el riesgo de inundación
en los puntos más problemáticos.
In Colon city, ubicated in Entre Rios province, three problems were detected through a general survey, interviews, and inspection with qualified people, that which decided to be solved in this final project. On the one hand, the intersection between NR N°130 and José Artalaz Street on the northern access to the city of Colon was analysed, where daily inconveniences are generated both for people who go to the Artalaz neighbourhood and for those who travel daily along this route. It was resolved to change the road profile of NR N°130 and to add traffic light in this intersection to provide better traffic conditions. On the other hand, this final project works on the Town Hall of Colon´s building, located on José Hernández Street, between 12 de Abril Street and General Urquiza Avenue. Deficiencies were detected on the establishment in respect to the needs of both employees and citizens who make use of these facilities. Several buildings were forecast in the current terrain which aim for respond to the present day and future needs to provide citizens a better service. The structure of one of the buildings of the proposal is studied in depth, reaching the level of the executive project. Finally, was work in carried out on the Vieytes basin, located in the southern part of the city. Deficiencies were observed with respect to the storm drainage system, which means that the habitants of the area suffer from flooding and waterlogging in the event of rainfall. Works are planned to regularize drainage and reduce the risk of flooding in the most problematic areas.
In Colon city, ubicated in Entre Rios province, three problems were detected through a general survey, interviews, and inspection with qualified people, that which decided to be solved in this final project. On the one hand, the intersection between NR N°130 and José Artalaz Street on the northern access to the city of Colon was analysed, where daily inconveniences are generated both for people who go to the Artalaz neighbourhood and for those who travel daily along this route. It was resolved to change the road profile of NR N°130 and to add traffic light in this intersection to provide better traffic conditions. On the other hand, this final project works on the Town Hall of Colon´s building, located on José Hernández Street, between 12 de Abril Street and General Urquiza Avenue. Deficiencies were detected on the establishment in respect to the needs of both employees and citizens who make use of these facilities. Several buildings were forecast in the current terrain which aim for respond to the present day and future needs to provide citizens a better service. The structure of one of the buildings of the proposal is studied in depth, reaching the level of the executive project. Finally, was work in carried out on the Vieytes basin, located in the southern part of the city. Deficiencies were observed with respect to the storm drainage system, which means that the habitants of the area suffer from flooding and waterlogging in the event of rainfall. Works are planned to regularize drainage and reduce the risk of flooding in the most problematic areas.
Municipalidad-Colón, Tránsito, Pavimento rígido, Cuenca hídrica, Drenaje pluvial, Rigid pavement, Waterlogging
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