Comparación capacidades de innovación, empresas industria del software y en empresas en parque industriales de la provincia de Entre Ríos
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El sector software en Argentina se encuentra en un crecimiento sostenido desde principios del siglo, aumentando cada vez más su importancia y peso en la economía nacional.
Este trabajo busca, por un lado, comparar a las empresas del sector del software con empresas de las industriales tradicionales de la provincia de Entre Ríos (Argentina). Permitiendo conocer sus diferencias más importantes, así también como responder a la pregunta de si el sector software es más innovador y esto lo favorece a tener una mayor actividad exportadora.
En segundo término, se busca entender como las empresas del sector del software innovan, para diferenciarlas en empresas claramente innovadoras de aquellas que solo producen código, para ver como esto afecta el nivel de exportación de ellas.
Finalmente se propone una guía que sirve para orientar a las empresas del sector software en la implementación de la innovación.
The software sector in Argentina has been in sustained growth since the beginning of the century, increasing its importance and weight in the national economy. This work try, on the one hand, to compare companies in the software sector with companies in the traditional industrial sectors of the province of Entre Ríos(Argentina). This allows us to know their most important differences, as well as to answer the question of whether the software sector is more innovative and this favors it to have a greater export activity. Secondly, it seeks to understand how companies in the software sector innovate, to differentiate them into clearly innovative companies from those that only produce code, to see how this affects their level of export. Finally, a guide is proposed that serves to guide companies in the software sector in the implementation of innovation.
The software sector in Argentina has been in sustained growth since the beginning of the century, increasing its importance and weight in the national economy. This work try, on the one hand, to compare companies in the software sector with companies in the traditional industrial sectors of the province of Entre Ríos(Argentina). This allows us to know their most important differences, as well as to answer the question of whether the software sector is more innovative and this favors it to have a greater export activity. Secondly, it seeks to understand how companies in the software sector innovate, to differentiate them into clearly innovative companies from those that only produce code, to see how this affects their level of export. Finally, a guide is proposed that serves to guide companies in the software sector in the implementation of innovation.
Software, Industria, Modelos de Innovación, Exportación, Innovación, Industry, Innovation models, Export, innovation
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