Reingeniería del área industrial en metalúrgica Tecnodyl s.a.
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El siguiente Proyecto se lleva a cabo en la industria metalúrgica “Tecnodyl”, que se encuentra funcionando en la ciudad de Paysandú, República Oriental del Uruguay.
Se analizará y estudiará la misma descubriendo distintos aspectos que se consideran relevantes para obtener mejores resultados en materia de producción. La idea de este proyecto surgió de la necesidad de ser más eficientes en la producción a los fines de solucionar el problema, que es la disminución en la rentabilidad del negocio. La razón que detectamos en cuanto a la disminución de esta se debe a que la competencia es cada vez mayor y al aumento constante de los costos.
Acompañando los cambios anteriormente nombrados conlleva al otro punto importante del proyecto que es el diseño de los servicios que componen a la empresa y son indispensables para su buen funcionamiento. Cabe resaltar que por un pedido exclusivo de su parte, se introduce el diseño de una red contra incendios.
Por otro lado, se realizó el estudió de la normativa vigente en cuanto a materia
de higiene y seguridad laboral, velando por el cumplimiento de esta se
dispusieron las medidas necesarias.
Para culminar se introducen criterios para un buen manejo de residuos y un
listado de consideraciones que inducen a un plan maestro de acciones y
prioridades para la gerencia.
The following Project is carried out in the metallurgical industry "Tecnodyl", which is operating in the city of Paysandú of Uruguay. It will be analyzed and studied discovering different aspects that are considered relevant to obtain better results in production. The idea of this project arose from the need to be more efficient in production to replace the decrease in the profitability of the business. The reason we found out about the decrease of it is that the competence its becoming bigger and the costs are constantly increasing. Accompanying the above-mentioned changes leads to the other important point of the project which is the design of the services that make up the company and are indispensable for its proper functioning. It is worth mentioning that by an exclusive order from you, the design of a firefighting network is introduced. On the other hand, a study of the current regulations regarding hygiene and safety at work was carried out, and the necessary measures were taken to ensure compliance. To conclude, criteria for good waste management and a list of considerations that lead to a master plan of actions and priorities for management were introduced.
The following Project is carried out in the metallurgical industry "Tecnodyl", which is operating in the city of Paysandú of Uruguay. It will be analyzed and studied discovering different aspects that are considered relevant to obtain better results in production. The idea of this project arose from the need to be more efficient in production to replace the decrease in the profitability of the business. The reason we found out about the decrease of it is that the competence its becoming bigger and the costs are constantly increasing. Accompanying the above-mentioned changes leads to the other important point of the project which is the design of the services that make up the company and are indispensable for its proper functioning. It is worth mentioning that by an exclusive order from you, the design of a firefighting network is introduced. On the other hand, a study of the current regulations regarding hygiene and safety at work was carried out, and the necessary measures were taken to ensure compliance. To conclude, criteria for good waste management and a list of considerations that lead to a master plan of actions and priorities for management were introduced.
Seguridad laboral, Higiene laboral, Industria metalúgica, Reingenieria
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