Diseño de métricas para el proceso de despliegue de sistemas de software.
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Escuela de Posgrado . Facultad Regional Buenos Aires
El despliegue es la fase del ciclo de vida de desarrollo de software en la cual se transfiere el producto software al cliente. Como sucede en otros procesos, el despliegue requiere de planificación para estimar su esfuerzo, costo y además medir diferentes aspectos del proceso para garantizar la culminación del mismo de forma exitosa.
En el despliegue se llevan a cabo actividades en las que se pueden producir problemas, como lo son la falta de componentes, descargas incompletas o despliegues erróneos que puede introducir demoras, ser desorganizado y muy costoso. Los problemas que ocurren en la fase de despliegue se transfieren y eventualmente resuelven como parte de la fase de mantenimiento. Algunas empresas pueden tardar meses y hasta años en lograr finalizar el despliegue de un sistema de software en su totalidad. Por causa de estos problemas, un despliegue de software eficiente y controlado ahorrará considerablemente recursos en términos de costo y esfuerzo.
En la actualidad, para que las empresas mantengan su competitividad en la industria de software estas deben ofrecer productos de calidad, que satisfagan las demandas y exigencias del cliente. Para lograr esto, existen diversos enfoques de desarrollo de software que priorizan la calidad en el proceso y en el producto obtenido. Sin embargo, en Argentina, la industria del software está compuesta mayoritariamente por pequeñas y medianas empresas (PyMEs), las cuales representan casi el 80% del sector y esto las constituye un elemento fundamental en la economía del país, pero a las mismas se le hace muy difícil de implementar este tipo de enfoques de desarrollo de software debido a que implica una gran inversión de tiempo y recursos.
Dada la relevancia del proceso de despliegue y la necesidad de las PyMES de disponer de procesos estabilizados y controlados, el presente trabajo de tesis tiene como objetivo, aportar a los Ingenieros de Software involucrados en el despliegue de sistemas de software, un conjunto de métricas para dicho proceso. Estas métricas cubren tres aspectos del proceso, el “Proceso” en sí, el cual incluye las actividades y tareas que componen el proceso de despliegue. El segundo aspecto es el “Producto”, que contempla características tales como tamaño, complejidad, características de diseño, rendimiento y nivel de calidad del producto de software. Y el último aspecto es la “Persona”, que involucra tanto a profesionales informáticos como usuarios del sistema.
Las métricas diseñadas para el proceso de despliegue permiten fortalecer el proceso de despliegue de sistemas de software que, por considerarse la última fase del ciclo de vida de desarrollo de software, en muchas ocasiones no se lo toma en consideración con la importancia que amerita.
Por último, se desarrollan dos estudios de caso en los que se aplica el conjunto de métricas diseñadas para el proceso de despliegue de sistemas de software. Estos casos se llevaron a cabo en dos PyMEs de desarrollo de software de Argentina. Estos estudios de casos permitieron evidenciar falencias en el uso de métricas para las actividades y tareas del proceso de despliegue, así como confirmar la viabilidad de las métricas propuestas en esta tesis.
Deployment is the phase of the software development life cycle in which the software product is transferred to the customer. As in other processes, the deployment requires planning to estimate its effort, cost and also measure different aspects of the process to guarantee its successful completion. Deployment involves activities that can cause problems, such as missing components, incomplete downloads, or failed deployments that can be time consuming, disorganized, and very costly. Problems that occur in the deployment phase are transferred and eventually resolved as part of the maintenance phase. Some companies can take months or even years to complete a full software system deployment. Because of these issues, an efficient and controlled software deployment will save considerable resources in terms of cost and effort. Currently, for companies to maintain their competitiveness in the software industry, they must offer quality products that meet the demands and demands of the client. To achieve this, there are various software development approaches that prioritize quality in the process and in the product obtained. However, in Argentina, the software industry is made up mostly of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which represent almost 80% of the sector and this constitutes a fundamental element in the country's economy, but they are makes it very difficult to implement this type of software development approach because it involves a large investment of time and resources. Given the relevance of the deployment process and the need for SMEs to have stabilized and controlled processes, this thesis work aims to provide Software Engineers involved in the deployment of software systems with a set of metrics to said process. These metrics cover three aspects of the process, the “Process” itself, which includes the activities and tasks that make up the deployment process. The second aspect is the "Product", which includes characteristics such as size, complexity, design features, performance and quality level of the software product. And the last aspect is the “Persona”, which involves both IT professionals and system users. The metrics designed for the deployment process make it possible to strengthen the software system deployment process which, because it is considered the last phase of the software development life cycle, is often not taken into consideration with the importance it deserves. Finally, two case studies are developed in which the set of metrics designed for the software system deployment process is applied. These cases were carried out in two software development SMEs in DISEÑO DE MÉTRICAS PARA EL PROCESO DE DESPLIEGUE DE SISTEMAS DE SOFTWARE PABLO VAZQUEZ Argentina. These case studies made it possible to show shortcomings in the use of metrics for the activities and tasks of the deployment process, as well as to confirm the viability of the metrics proposed in this thesis.
Deployment is the phase of the software development life cycle in which the software product is transferred to the customer. As in other processes, the deployment requires planning to estimate its effort, cost and also measure different aspects of the process to guarantee its successful completion. Deployment involves activities that can cause problems, such as missing components, incomplete downloads, or failed deployments that can be time consuming, disorganized, and very costly. Problems that occur in the deployment phase are transferred and eventually resolved as part of the maintenance phase. Some companies can take months or even years to complete a full software system deployment. Because of these issues, an efficient and controlled software deployment will save considerable resources in terms of cost and effort. Currently, for companies to maintain their competitiveness in the software industry, they must offer quality products that meet the demands and demands of the client. To achieve this, there are various software development approaches that prioritize quality in the process and in the product obtained. However, in Argentina, the software industry is made up mostly of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which represent almost 80% of the sector and this constitutes a fundamental element in the country's economy, but they are makes it very difficult to implement this type of software development approach because it involves a large investment of time and resources. Given the relevance of the deployment process and the need for SMEs to have stabilized and controlled processes, this thesis work aims to provide Software Engineers involved in the deployment of software systems with a set of metrics to said process. These metrics cover three aspects of the process, the “Process” itself, which includes the activities and tasks that make up the deployment process. The second aspect is the "Product", which includes characteristics such as size, complexity, design features, performance and quality level of the software product. And the last aspect is the “Persona”, which involves both IT professionals and system users. The metrics designed for the deployment process make it possible to strengthen the software system deployment process which, because it is considered the last phase of the software development life cycle, is often not taken into consideration with the importance it deserves. Finally, two case studies are developed in which the set of metrics designed for the software system deployment process is applied. These cases were carried out in two software development SMEs in DISEÑO DE MÉTRICAS PARA EL PROCESO DE DESPLIEGUE DE SISTEMAS DE SOFTWARE PABLO VAZQUEZ Argentina. These case studies made it possible to show shortcomings in the use of metrics for the activities and tasks of the deployment process, as well as to confirm the viability of the metrics proposed in this thesis.
Métricas., Despliegue de sistemas de software., PyMEs de Argentina.
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