Sistema combinado de conservación de carnes frescas: agregado de extracto de orégano y envasado al vacío en diferentes materiales poliméricos
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Los componentes de las oleorresinas y aceites esenciales presentes en especias como orégano
presentan actividad antimicrobiana, inhibiendo no solamente bacterias sino también actuando
sobre levaduras y mohos que pueden producir el deterioro de alimentos. En este trabajo se
estudió principalmente su acción sobre la carga microbiana de cortes de carne fresca, los que
se envasaron al vacío con diferentes materiales poliméricos: polietileno, poliamida y policloruro
de polivinilideno. Los cortes macerados en extractos de orégano fueron los que presentaron
menores recuentos de microorganismos. Cuando se comparan los diferentes envases se observa
un menor crecimiento de aerobios y un mayor desarrollo de anaerobios sulfito reductores en los
envases de policloruro de vinilideno (Saran), evidenciando su mayor efecto barrera al oxígeno
respecto de los envases de polietileno y poliamida
The oleoresins and essential oils present in spices like oregano have antimicrobial activity, inhibiting not only bacteria but also molds and yeast that can produce food spoilage. In this work was studied mainly its action on the microbial load of cuts of fresh meat, which were vacuum packed with different polymeric materials: polyethylene, polyamide and vinylidene polychloride. The macerated cuts with the oregano extracts were the ones that presented the minor counts of microorganism. When comparing the different packagings, a minor growth of aerobic microorganism and a mayor development of Anaerobic sulfite reducing bacteria in the vinylidene polychloride was observed (Saran), evidencing a greater barrier effect of oxygen relation to the packages of polyethylene and polyamide.
The oleoresins and essential oils present in spices like oregano have antimicrobial activity, inhibiting not only bacteria but also molds and yeast that can produce food spoilage. In this work was studied mainly its action on the microbial load of cuts of fresh meat, which were vacuum packed with different polymeric materials: polyethylene, polyamide and vinylidene polychloride. The macerated cuts with the oregano extracts were the ones that presented the minor counts of microorganism. When comparing the different packagings, a minor growth of aerobic microorganism and a mayor development of Anaerobic sulfite reducing bacteria in the vinylidene polychloride was observed (Saran), evidencing a greater barrier effect of oxygen relation to the packages of polyethylene and polyamide.
actividad antimicrobiana, extractos de especias, empaqueal vacío, antimicrobial activity, extracts of spices, vacuum packaging
Proyecciones, Vol. 15 Nro. 1
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