Inserción curricular del derecho en las carreras de ingeniería, en su carácter de asignatura pertinente a la formación Ética, Social y Profesional del Ingeniero Tecnológico.
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Escuela de Posgrado - Facultad Regional Buenos Aires
Considerando que la humanidad se encuentra afectada por acontecimientos que afectan en su totalidad las diversas dimensiones de la vida de los sujetos, provocando nuevos modos de interrelacionarse, surgimiento de diversos modelos de familia, fluidez en la información, comunicaciones instantáneas, crisis del sistema de representación, insatisfacción espiritual, desamparo, primacía del presente, provisionalidad del conocimiento, incesante innovación tecnológica, crecimiento de la contaminación ambiental, hechos que emergen poniendo en evidencia algunas de las cuestiones que deben ser abordadas en el trayecto de formación educativa de los futuros profesionales de la ingeniería. Desde épocas remotas, las diferentes civilizaciones, considerando la naturaleza gregaria del hombre, crearon la herramienta idónea para procurar ordenar la convivencia en sociedad, constituyendo las normas jurídicas el medio apropiado tendiente a reglar las conductas, destinadas a la resolución pacífica de los conflictos. El Derecho consecuentemente, producto de la cultura de los pueblos, conforma el instrumento pertinente facilitando la transmisión de valores a los ingenieros tecnológicos en el proceso de formación, los que aprendidos faciliten mediante el análisis crítico elaborar el juicio ante los dilemas morales que la intervención en el medio pueda provocar, implementando las previsiones necesarias para concretar llevar a cabo su tarea de manera de evitar la producción de daños, tendiendo a proteger el hábitat en bien de la humanidad.
Humanity is affected by events that influenceevery dimension of people’s lives, which result in new ways of interaction, the emergence of diverse models of family, rapid flow of information, instant communications, crisis in the representation system, spiritual dissatisfaction, helplessness, primacy of the present, the provisional nature of knowledge, ceaseless technological innovation, and an increase in environmental pollution. These issues must be dealt with during the course of studies of future engineering professionals. Since remote times, different civilizations, considering the gregarious nature of man,have created a suitable tool to bring order to society co-living, legal standards being the suitable approach to rule behaviors, aimed at solving conflicts peacefully. Consequently, Law, a product of peoples’ culture, is the instrument facilitating the transmission of values to future technological engineers during the course of their studies. Such learned values will allow them to make judgements, using their critical analysis, to solve the moral dilemmas that the intervention in the environment may provoke, implementing the necessary preventive measuresto carry out their task without causing any damage, in order to protect the habitat for the sake of humanity.
Humanity is affected by events that influenceevery dimension of people’s lives, which result in new ways of interaction, the emergence of diverse models of family, rapid flow of information, instant communications, crisis in the representation system, spiritual dissatisfaction, helplessness, primacy of the present, the provisional nature of knowledge, ceaseless technological innovation, and an increase in environmental pollution. These issues must be dealt with during the course of studies of future engineering professionals. Since remote times, different civilizations, considering the gregarious nature of man,have created a suitable tool to bring order to society co-living, legal standards being the suitable approach to rule behaviors, aimed at solving conflicts peacefully. Consequently, Law, a product of peoples’ culture, is the instrument facilitating the transmission of values to future technological engineers during the course of their studies. Such learned values will allow them to make judgements, using their critical analysis, to solve the moral dilemmas that the intervention in the environment may provoke, implementing the necessary preventive measuresto carry out their task without causing any damage, in order to protect the habitat for the sake of humanity.
Docencia Universitaria, Derecho, Ingeniería, Pertinencia Curricular
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