Diseño e implementación de un área de recursos humanos para un sindicato docente
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En la actualidad la gestión del recurso humano ha tomado un papel importante como factor de mejora en la capacidad estratégica y de productividad en las organizaciones. Por esto se pretende que la gestión del recurso humano esté alineada con la estrategia de la organización e impacte directamente en la cultura organizacional impulsando los objetivos establecidos para cumplir con la misión y visión establecidas.
La manera de gestionar los recursos humanos no es la misma en todas las organizaciones. En particular, en los entornos organizacionales sindicales no existe un sistema de gestión de recursos humanos adecuado a los mismos, sino que el área encargada realiza tareas netamente administrativas, lo cual no genera aportes significativos a la organización en un sentido estratégico y de productividad.
El objetivo principal de este Trabajo Final es presentar una propuesta para formalizar y poner en práctica los procesos relacionados a la Gestión del Capital Humano en un Sindicato Docente, para luego proceder a la creación de un área de recursos humanos.
Esto se planteó en función de un diagnóstico del área de personal de la organización, en el cual se detectó la escasa formalización de procesos y la insatisfacción del personal en materia de gestión.
Teniendo en cuenta el contexto en el cual se desenvuelve la organización, se plantearon las
distintas tareas que deberá realizar el área de recursos humanos, detallando cada una de ellas y
realizando un manual de inducción que le servirá de apoyo a los empleados existentes y a los
nuevos ingresantes
Currently, human resource management has taken an important role as a factor in improving strategic capacity and productivity in organizations. For this reason, it is intended that human management be aligned with the organization's strategy and directly impact the organizational culture, promoting the established objectives to comply with the established mission and resource. The way of managing human resources is not the same in all organizations. In particular, in union organizational environments there is no human resources management system appropriate to them, but rather the area in charge performs purely administrative tasks, which does not generate significant contributions to the organization in a strategic and productivity sense. The main objective of this Final Project is to present a proposal to formalize and put into practice the processes related to Human Capital Management in a Teaching Union, to then proceed to the creation of a human resources area. This was raised based on a diagnosis of the organization's personnel area, in which the poor formalization of processes and staff dissatisfaction in terms of management were detected. Taking into account the context in which the organization operates, the different tasks that the human resources area must carry out were proposed, detailing each of them and creating an induction manual that will serve as support for existing and new employees.
Currently, human resource management has taken an important role as a factor in improving strategic capacity and productivity in organizations. For this reason, it is intended that human management be aligned with the organization's strategy and directly impact the organizational culture, promoting the established objectives to comply with the established mission and resource. The way of managing human resources is not the same in all organizations. In particular, in union organizational environments there is no human resources management system appropriate to them, but rather the area in charge performs purely administrative tasks, which does not generate significant contributions to the organization in a strategic and productivity sense. The main objective of this Final Project is to present a proposal to formalize and put into practice the processes related to Human Capital Management in a Teaching Union, to then proceed to the creation of a human resources area. This was raised based on a diagnosis of the organization's personnel area, in which the poor formalization of processes and staff dissatisfaction in terms of management were detected. Taking into account the context in which the organization operates, the different tasks that the human resources area must carry out were proposed, detailing each of them and creating an induction manual that will serve as support for existing and new employees.
Administration, Management, Human resources, Administración, Gestión, Recursos humanos
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