Consumo responsable: Plan de gestión integral de residuos sólidos en la Facultad Regional San Francisco
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AJEA- Actas de Jornadas y Eventos Académicos de UTN
Dentro de las problemáticas mundiales, se encuentra la gestión de residuos sólidos definiendo a estos como cualquier objeto, material, sustancia o elemento sólido resultante del consumo o uso de un bien en actividades domésticas, industriales, comerciales, institucionales o de servicios. El Banco Mundial ha estimado que 2010 millones de toneladas de residuos sólidos urbanos (RSU) se generaron en todo el mundo en 2016, y se espera que esta cantidad aumente 1,7 veces para 2050. Estos datos muestran la necesidad de una gestión más sostenible de los RSU y su tratamiento posterior. Es por ello que en la Universidad una alternativa para comprometerse con esta problemática es mediante la gestión de sus residuos sólidos. Luego de realizar un diagnóstico de la situación de los desechos, tanto con encuestas como mediante observación y medición, en el presente trabajo se propone un Plan de Gestión Integral de Residuos Sólidos (PGIRS) para gestionar la gran masa de residuos que genera toda la comunidad universitaria.
One of the world's problems is solid waste management, defining waste as any solid object, material, substance or element resulting from the product consumption in domestic, industrial, commercial, institutional or service activities. The World Bank has estimated that in 2016, 2010 million tons of urban solid waste (USW) were generated worldwide, and this amount is expected to increase 1.7 times by 2050. These data show the need for more sustainable management of USW and its subsequent treatment. That is why the university proposes solid waste management as an alternative to this problem. Analyzing the current waste situation, through surveys, observation and measurement, this work proposes a Whole Solid Waste Management Plan (WSWMP) to control the quantity of waste generated by the entire university community.
One of the world's problems is solid waste management, defining waste as any solid object, material, substance or element resulting from the product consumption in domestic, industrial, commercial, institutional or service activities. The World Bank has estimated that in 2016, 2010 million tons of urban solid waste (USW) were generated worldwide, and this amount is expected to increase 1.7 times by 2050. These data show the need for more sustainable management of USW and its subsequent treatment. That is why the university proposes solid waste management as an alternative to this problem. Analyzing the current waste situation, through surveys, observation and measurement, this work proposes a Whole Solid Waste Management Plan (WSWMP) to control the quantity of waste generated by the entire university community.
Residuos sólidos, Problemática mundial, Gestión sostenible, Solid waste, Global problem, Sustainable management
Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología 2022
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