Planificación y estudio de factibilidad de una fábrica de cerveza artesanal en la ciudad de San José, Entre Ríos.
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Dentro del presente trabajo de investigación y desarrollo se encuentran integrados todos los conocimientos adquiridos en la Especialización en Ingeniría Gerencial, a fin de evaluar la factibilidad de llevar adelante un emprendimiento industrial destinado a elaborar cerveza artesanal. Se ha tenido en cuenta las distintas disciplinas vistas en la carrera que son, administración, economía, finanzas, gestión de personas, análisis
estratégico, investigación operativa, marketing, formulación y evaluación de proyectos, entre otras.
Por lo visto y luego de un arduo trabajo de investigación se ha comprobado que el proyecto en cuestión tiene perspectivas positivas en la zona estudiada, por ser un producto natural, libre de productos químicos perjudiciales para la salud, y por ser una bebida que está en pleno crecimiento en los últimos años en el país.
Además el hecho de que el emprendimiento se lleve adelante en una zona turística por excelencia que es la provincia de Entre Ríos, y por sobre todo el departamento Colón, resulta muy favorable para su desarrollo y crecimiento. Por otro lado la posibilidad de financiamiento favorece la organización y la puesta en marcha
rápidamente, logrando un retorno inmediato y sostenido dentro de éste proyecto rentable según lo expuesto en su desarrollo.
Ésta iniciativa se estimula por tener amplia experiencia y conocimiento en la elaboración de cerveza, avalado con distintos cursos en la materia y formación en Ingeniería en Alimentos, lo cual ayuda a entender detalladamente todo el proceso productivo para lograr un producto de excelente calidad y sabor único,
favoreciendo la elección de las materias primas y transmitiendo a los consumidores seguridad y confianza; traduciendo esto en mayor volumen de venta, haciendo que el proyecto sea sustentable en el tiempo.
Se comienza con el estudio de mercado de la cerveza artesanal en Argentina, luego el análisis de las cervecerías existentes en la zona, se procede a establecer un mercado objetivo, conocer el detalle y descripción del proceso, sus materias primas y equipamiento. Luego se definen las estrategias de marketing, se realiza el estudio económico financiero donde se analizan distintas opciones de financiamiento: sin financiamiento, con un 50% y 80% de financiamiento. Del análisis realizado se
concluye que el proyecto es rentable en cualquiera de las tres opciones planteadas. Debiendo elegir una de las alternativas para llevar adelante el negocio.
Within the present research and development work is included all the acquired knowledge in the Management Engineering Specialization with the purpose of assessing the feasibility to carry out an industrial enterprise destined to produce craft beer. The different disciplines seen throughout the career have been taken into account. These are Administration, Economics, Finance, People Management, Strategic Analysis, Operative Research, Marketing Formulation and Evaluation of Projects, etc. As it has been seen and after a hard work of research, it has been proved that the project in question has positive perspectives in the studied area for being a natural product, free of chemicals harmful to health, and a drink in full growth during the last years in the country. In addition, the enterprise will be carried out in a touristic area by excellence as it is Entre Ríos province, especifically Colón department, which is very positive to its development and growth. On the other side, the possibility of financing, benefits the organisation and fast launch, achieving an immediate and sustained return within this profitable project according to what has been exposed in the development. This initiative is estimulated by having a wide experience and knowledge in the production of beer supported by different workshops on the subject and the training in Food Engineering which helps to understand all the productive process in detail to achieve a product of excellent quality and unique flavour, favouring the choice of raw material and transmiting the consumers certainty and confidence; translating this into a bigger selling number, making the project sustainable in time. It begins with the study of the craft beer market in Argentina, then the analysis of the existent breweries in the area, it proceeds to stablish an objective market, know the details and description of the process, the raw materials and equipment. Then, the marketing strategies are defined, the economic financial study is done, where different financing options are analised: without financing, 50% financing and 80% financing. From the analysis made, it is concluded that the project is profitable in any of the three options considered, having to choose one of the alternatives to carry out the business.
Within the present research and development work is included all the acquired knowledge in the Management Engineering Specialization with the purpose of assessing the feasibility to carry out an industrial enterprise destined to produce craft beer. The different disciplines seen throughout the career have been taken into account. These are Administration, Economics, Finance, People Management, Strategic Analysis, Operative Research, Marketing Formulation and Evaluation of Projects, etc. As it has been seen and after a hard work of research, it has been proved that the project in question has positive perspectives in the studied area for being a natural product, free of chemicals harmful to health, and a drink in full growth during the last years in the country. In addition, the enterprise will be carried out in a touristic area by excellence as it is Entre Ríos province, especifically Colón department, which is very positive to its development and growth. On the other side, the possibility of financing, benefits the organisation and fast launch, achieving an immediate and sustained return within this profitable project according to what has been exposed in the development. This initiative is estimulated by having a wide experience and knowledge in the production of beer supported by different workshops on the subject and the training in Food Engineering which helps to understand all the productive process in detail to achieve a product of excellent quality and unique flavour, favouring the choice of raw material and transmiting the consumers certainty and confidence; translating this into a bigger selling number, making the project sustainable in time. It begins with the study of the craft beer market in Argentina, then the analysis of the existent breweries in the area, it proceeds to stablish an objective market, know the details and description of the process, the raw materials and equipment. Then, the marketing strategies are defined, the economic financial study is done, where different financing options are analised: without financing, 50% financing and 80% financing. From the analysis made, it is concluded that the project is profitable in any of the three options considered, having to choose one of the alternatives to carry out the business.
Craft beer, Market study, Marketing, Investment projet, Economic financial analysis, Cerveza artesanal, Análisis económico financiero, Proyecto de inversión, Marketing, Estudio de mercado
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