Economía circular : rol de las energías renovables
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Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata
Desde hace varias décadas, en el mundo han comenzado a implementarse programas tendientes a la resolución de la problemática vinculada al control de las emisiones de gases efecto invernadero (GEI) y al tratamiento de los residuos, tanto orgánicos como inorgánicos. La mayoría de las actividades económicas genera un efecto externo (externalidad) que tiene impacto negativo en el ambiente y ocasiona un perjuicio a la sociedad. Un modo de mitigar este efecto se logra tratando los desechos, incorporándolos a un nuevo proceso como un insumo (input), que dan lugar a un nuevo producto (output). La reinserción de este nuevo producto en el circuito económico es un ejemplo del modelo de economía circular. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar el tratamiento de los residuos orgánicos en reactores de biodigestión como un modelo de economía circular, que será abordado mediante la metodología exploratoria descriptiva. Se expondrán consideraciones específicas acerca del desarrollo de la ingeniería y de las técnicas de construcción de los biodigestores, recinto donde la materia orgánica da lugar a la generación de biogás, que puede ser transformado en energía eléctrica renovable. Se concluye que la transición hacia fuentes energéticas renovables en Argentina ya es un hecho. Lo demuestra el impulso normativo implementado hace algunos años, las inversiones crecientes en el sector y las iniciativas presentadas por emprendedores, que demandan servicios del profesional en ingeniería para el diseño y materialización de centrales de biogás.
Several decades in the world many programs have been implemented to solve the problem related to the control of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the treatment of waste, both organic and inorganic. Most economic activities generate an external effect (externality) that has a negative impact on the environment and causes harm to society. One way to reduce this effect is achieved by treating the waste, incorporating it into a new process as an input, which gives rise to a new output (product). The reinsertion of this new product in the economic circuit is an example of the circular economy model. The aim of this paper is to present the treatment of organic waste in biological reactors as a model of circular economy. The exploratory and descriptive methodology will be implemented. There are specific considerations in the development of engineering and construction techniques for biodigesters, where organic waste gives rise to the generation of biogas that can be transformed into renewable electrical energy. We conclude that the transition towards renewable energy sources in Argentina is already a fact. This is demonstrated by the regulatory impulse implemented a few years ago, the growing investments in the sector and the initiatives presented by entrepreneurs, who demand professional engineering services for the design and materialization of biogas plants.
Several decades in the world many programs have been implemented to solve the problem related to the control of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the treatment of waste, both organic and inorganic. Most economic activities generate an external effect (externality) that has a negative impact on the environment and causes harm to society. One way to reduce this effect is achieved by treating the waste, incorporating it into a new process as an input, which gives rise to a new output (product). The reinsertion of this new product in the economic circuit is an example of the circular economy model. The aim of this paper is to present the treatment of organic waste in biological reactors as a model of circular economy. The exploratory and descriptive methodology will be implemented. There are specific considerations in the development of engineering and construction techniques for biodigesters, where organic waste gives rise to the generation of biogas that can be transformed into renewable electrical energy. We conclude that the transition towards renewable energy sources in Argentina is already a fact. This is demonstrated by the regulatory impulse implemented a few years ago, the growing investments in the sector and the initiatives presented by entrepreneurs, who demand professional engineering services for the design and materialization of biogas plants.
Residuos orgánicos, Biogás, Transición energética, Reactor anaeróbico, Ingeniería de procesos
Cristiano, G. S.; Musotto, M. J. (2022). Economía circular: rol de las energías renovables. En: 6to Congreso Argentino de ingeniería, 12vo Congreso de enseñanza de ingeniería. Resistencia. Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata.
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