Metodología para cálculo de costos operativos de sistemas eléctricos de potencia
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5º CADI - 11º CAEDI - 3º CLADI
El trabajo presenta un estudio y análisis de costos del sistema interconectado de la provincia de Corrientes. El objetivo principal es determinar la participación de los distintos tipos de costos en una proyección de la demanda a 20 años, con la condición de minimizar la dependencia de abastecimiento desde los enlaces interprovinciales, solo conectando estos en caso de falla en la red. Se efectúa el modelado de la red en estudio en un software de simulación y luego se corren flujos de carga para distintas configuraciones de operación y diferentes escenarios de demanda, a fines de evaluar sus parámetros eléctricos operativos tal que permitan diagnosticar el estado de la red y su capacidad remanente. Luego, se determinan indicadores de confiabilidad de las líneas y transformadores que
conforman el subsistema, como también los niveles de demanda no abastecida que puedan producirse actualmente y para un horizonte de crecimiento de 20 años. Una vez obtenidos estos valores, se determinan los diferentes costos como son energía no suministrada, generación distribuida, pérdidas, operación y mantenimiento del sistema. Se concluye que a corto y mediano plazo los mayores costos se tienen en Generación Distribuida para poder mantener dentro de los límites los perfiles de tensión del sistema. A mediano y largo plazo la Energía No Suministrada crece exponencialmente, superando a
la generación, demostrando una falta de capacidad del sistema para poder afrontar un crecimiento de la demanda para el periodo de análisis.
The following work presents a study and an analysis of costs of the province of Corrientes’interconnected system. The main goal is to determine the influence of the different types of costs in a 20-years demand projection, with the condition of minimizing the supply dependence on the inter-provincial connections, only linking these in the case of network failure. The modelling of the network being studied is carried out on a simulation software and then load flows are run for different operating configurations and different demand scenarios, with the purpose of evaluating its operating electric parameters, allowing a diagnosis of network’s state and its remaining capacity. Then the reliability indicators of the power lines and transformers which make up the subsystem are determined, as well as the levels of unsupplied demand that might be currently occurring and for a growth span of 20 years. On the basis of the obtained results, the different costs are determined, such as unsupplied energy, distributed generation, losses, operation and system maintenance. It is concluded that in the short and medium term the highest costs are incurred in Distributed Generation in order to maintain the system’s voltage levels within the limits. In the medium and long term, Unsupplied Energy grows exponentially, surpassing the generation costs, demonstrating a lack of capacity in the system to be able to face a constant growth in demand for the analysed period.
The following work presents a study and an analysis of costs of the province of Corrientes’interconnected system. The main goal is to determine the influence of the different types of costs in a 20-years demand projection, with the condition of minimizing the supply dependence on the inter-provincial connections, only linking these in the case of network failure. The modelling of the network being studied is carried out on a simulation software and then load flows are run for different operating configurations and different demand scenarios, with the purpose of evaluating its operating electric parameters, allowing a diagnosis of network’s state and its remaining capacity. Then the reliability indicators of the power lines and transformers which make up the subsystem are determined, as well as the levels of unsupplied demand that might be currently occurring and for a growth span of 20 years. On the basis of the obtained results, the different costs are determined, such as unsupplied energy, distributed generation, losses, operation and system maintenance. It is concluded that in the short and medium term the highest costs are incurred in Distributed Generation in order to maintain the system’s voltage levels within the limits. In the medium and long term, Unsupplied Energy grows exponentially, surpassing the generation costs, demonstrating a lack of capacity in the system to be able to face a constant growth in demand for the analysed period.
Crecimiento de la demanda, Costos operativos, Planificación de sistemas eléctricos
Manassero, U. et al. (5-7 de octubre de 2021). Metodología para cálculo de costos operativos de sistemas eléctricos de potencia. 5° Congreso Argentino de Ingeniería, 11° Congreso Argentino de Enseñanza de la Ingeniería, 3° Congreso Latinoamericano de Ingeniería (5º CADI - 11º CAEDI – 3º CLADI), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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