Transporte de objetos en forma colaborativa utilizando robots móviles
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Se presenta una estrategia para transportar un objeto en forma colaborativa utilizando dos robots terrestres. Consta de varias partes: navegación, localización y manipulación del obje- to. La navegación se realiza utilizando el algoritmo A* y un mapa previamente conocido, y la localización hace uso de las mediciones de los sonares. Para manipular el objeto, los robots utilizan sensores infrarrojos para extraer información sobre el mismo. Los resultados experi- mentales muestran que la estrategia propuesta permite rotar el objeto el ángulo deseado, y trasladarlo a lo largo de la distancia indicada.
We present a strategy for collaborative object transportation using two ground robots. This strate- gy comprises several parts: navigation, localization and box manipulation. Navigation is implemen- ted using A* algorithm over a known map of the environment, and we use sonar range readings for the localization problem. In order to manipulate the object, the robots extract information from it using infrared sensors. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy allows rotating the object a desired angle, and translating it along a given distance.
We present a strategy for collaborative object transportation using two ground robots. This strate- gy comprises several parts: navigation, localization and box manipulation. Navigation is implemen- ted using A* algorithm over a known map of the environment, and we use sonar range readings for the localization problem. In order to manipulate the object, the robots extract information from it using infrared sensors. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy allows rotating the object a desired angle, and translating it along a given distance.
robótica colaborativa, transporte de objetos, entorno con obstáculos, collaborative robotics, object transportation, environment with obstacles
Proyecciones, Vol. 15 Nro. 2
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