Línea suministro en media tensión (MT) y distribución en baja tensión (BT) para nuevo emprendimiento inmobiliario
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El presente proyecto consiste en el diseño y cálculo del sistema de alimentación y distribución de energía eléctrica en media tensión (MT) y baja tensión (BT) para a un nuevo desarrollo inmobiliario de tipo “club de campo” en la zona periférica de Concepción del Uruguay. Dentro del mismo, se brinda una alternativa de infraestructura adecuada para abastecer a los diferentes consumos que integran la etapa inicial del emprendimiento de manera confiable y segura, minimizando el impacto ambiental y aprovechando mejor el espacio disponible. Para poder lograr tal fin, se comienza por llevar a cabo un análisis de la distribución de cargas con que cuenta el lay-out propuesto para el predio, así como también de la ubicación de los puntos de alimentación provistos por la distribuidora local. Seguidamente, se procede a seleccionar los múltiples elementos que componen al sistema, atendiendo no solo a las necesidades del propio usuario sino también a los requerimientos de la normativa vigente y a las recomendaciones adicionales de los fabricantes. Finalmente, se incluye un cómputo de materiales y un presupuesto que contempla los costos tanto de los propios equipos utilizados como de la mano de obra necesaria para su correcta instalación.
This project consists of the design and calculation of the medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) power supply and distribution system for a new "country club" type real estate develop-ment in the outskirts of Concepción del Uruguay. Within this one, a suitable infrastructure alternative is provided to supply the different consumptions that integrate the initial stage of the development in a reliable and safe way, minimizing the environmental impact and making the best use of the available space. In order to achieve this goal, the first step is to carry out an analysis of the load distribution of the lay-out proposed for the site, as well as the location of the power supply points provided by the local distributor. Next, the multiple elements that make up the system are selected, taking into account not only the user's own needs but also the re-quirements of the current regulations and the additional recommendations of the manufactu-rers. Finally, a materials calculation and a budget are included contemplating the costs of the equipment used as well as the labor necessary for its correct installation.
This project consists of the design and calculation of the medium voltage (MV) and low voltage (LV) power supply and distribution system for a new "country club" type real estate develop-ment in the outskirts of Concepción del Uruguay. Within this one, a suitable infrastructure alternative is provided to supply the different consumptions that integrate the initial stage of the development in a reliable and safe way, minimizing the environmental impact and making the best use of the available space. In order to achieve this goal, the first step is to carry out an analysis of the load distribution of the lay-out proposed for the site, as well as the location of the power supply points provided by the local distributor. Next, the multiple elements that make up the system are selected, taking into account not only the user's own needs but also the re-quirements of the current regulations and the additional recommendations of the manufactu-rers. Finally, a materials calculation and a budget are included contemplating the costs of the equipment used as well as the labor necessary for its correct installation.
Instalación eléctrica, Distribución de energía, Línea subterránea, Media tensíon, Baja tensión
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