Las materias básicas en los proyectos finales de carrera
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En la formulación del Proyecto Final, los estudiantes pueden plasmar los conocimientos y habilidades que han construido durante su trayectoria, profundizando las actividades curriculares previstas. Los contenidos de materias básicas son utilizados en el proyecto. Esta presentación aborda un avance de focalizar la enseñanza más necesaria para la especialidad con la finalidad de detectar la aplicación de los temas previstos en los programas de asignaturas del Departamento Materias Básicas en la UTN-Santa Fe. Se comienza con reflexiones sobre el papel que desempeñan en la formación del ingeniero la matemática, física, química, legislación, economía. Un segundo momento muestra un caso que refleja la metodología utilizada para detectar la aplicación de conocimientos en los proyectos. Finalmente, se comparten opiniones de estudiantes que están formulando sus proyectos finales. Las conclusiones reflejan el grado de avance pensando en realizar propuestas en la reformulación de la oferta académica.
In the formulation of the Final Project, students can capture the knowledge and skills that they have built during their career, deepening the planned curricular activities. The application of content developed in basic subjects, are used during the project. With the purpose of detecting the application of topics foreseen in programs of subjects from Basic Subjects Department in UTN-Santa Fe and in order to focus the teaching in those most necessary for the specialty, this presentation addresses an advance. This paper starts with reflections on the role that mathematics, physics, chemistry, legislation, economics, played in engineering education. A second moment shows a case in order to reflect the methodology used to detect the application of knowledge in projects. Finally, opinions of students who are formulating their final projects are shared. By way of conclusion, results reflect the degree of progress in the topic addressed thinking about making proposals in the reformulation of the academic offer.
In the formulation of the Final Project, students can capture the knowledge and skills that they have built during their career, deepening the planned curricular activities. The application of content developed in basic subjects, are used during the project. With the purpose of detecting the application of topics foreseen in programs of subjects from Basic Subjects Department in UTN-Santa Fe and in order to focus the teaching in those most necessary for the specialty, this presentation addresses an advance. This paper starts with reflections on the role that mathematics, physics, chemistry, legislation, economics, played in engineering education. A second moment shows a case in order to reflect the methodology used to detect the application of knowledge in projects. Finally, opinions of students who are formulating their final projects are shared. By way of conclusion, results reflect the degree of progress in the topic addressed thinking about making proposals in the reformulation of the academic offer.
Materias básicas, Proyecto Final de Carrera, Proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje, Basic subjects, Career final project, Teaching-learning process
Ambrosini, M.S. (et al.). Las materias básicas en los proyectos finales de carrera. RADI - Revista Argentina de Ingeniería (Consejo Federal de Decanos de Ingeniería), n.º 21, pp. 87–94, oct. 2023
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