Evaluación de conocimientos previos de Química en estudiantes de Ingeniería en la FRSF : una estrategia para considerar en el Ingreso
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Se evaluaron los conocimientos previos de Química de los estudiantes que ingresan a las carreras de Ingeniería de la FRSFUTN, a través de una evaluación diagnóstica sobre conceptos relacionados con la asignatura. Participaron un total de 334 estudiantes y se establecieron cuatro criterios de evaluación. Se observó un desconocimiento importante de la identificación de elementos químicos, nomenclatura de compuestos y conceptos básicos. Los criterios evaluados sobre relaciones numéricas y uso de magnitudes denotaron una insuficiencia superior al 50% por debajo del conocimiento básico, excepto en estudiantes que cursaron la asignatura en el segundo año de la carrera. Esto requiere especial atención
porque son conocimientos que el período de Ingreso no logró nivelar. Nuestra propuesta es que los estudiantes accedan a secuencias didácticas sobre los temas del diagnóstico durante el Ingreso, para lograr niveles de aprendizaje satisfactorios e incluir en la planificación temas afines al perfil de las carreras.
It is desired to evaluate the previous knowledge of Chemistry of the engineering incoming students of all the careers of the FRSF-UTN, by carrying out a diagnostic evaluation based on concepts related to the course. A total of 334 students participated and four evaluation criteria were established. It was observed a significant lack of knowledge of the identification of chemical elements, nomenclature of compounds and basic concepts. The criteria evaluated on numerical relationships and the use of magnitudes denoted an underperformance below 50% of basic knowledge, except in students who take the subject in the second year of the career, which requires special consideration because it is knowledge that the admission period could not level. Our proposal is to encourage students to access didactic sequences on diagnostic topics during admission, to reach satisfactory learning levels and include topics related to career profiles in the course program.
It is desired to evaluate the previous knowledge of Chemistry of the engineering incoming students of all the careers of the FRSF-UTN, by carrying out a diagnostic evaluation based on concepts related to the course. A total of 334 students participated and four evaluation criteria were established. It was observed a significant lack of knowledge of the identification of chemical elements, nomenclature of compounds and basic concepts. The criteria evaluated on numerical relationships and the use of magnitudes denoted an underperformance below 50% of basic knowledge, except in students who take the subject in the second year of the career, which requires special consideration because it is knowledge that the admission period could not level. Our proposal is to encourage students to access didactic sequences on diagnostic topics during admission, to reach satisfactory learning levels and include topics related to career profiles in the course program.
Evaluación, Química, Ingreso, Evaluation, Chemistry, Admission
Mazzieri, V. et al (12-14 de octubre de 2022). Evaluación de conocimientos previos de Química en estudiantes de Ingeniería en la FRSF: una estrategia para considerar en el Ingreso. VIII Jornadas Nacionales y IV Latinoamericanas de Ingreso y Permanencia en Carreras Científico-Tecnológicas (IPECyT 2022). San Nicolás de los Arroyos, Argentina.
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