Modelos y Propuestas de mitigación frente a una epidemia tipo COVID-19
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La epidemia de COVID-19 orientó parte de la investigación de sistemas complejos hacia el
estudio de la propagación de enfermedades. Los modelos compartimentales presentan una
aproximación estadística aplicable al agregado de toda la población. Los modelos de redes,
en cambio, presentan una descripción “microscópica” de la evolución por medio del análisis
de contagio de individuo a individuo. El agregado de toda la población se construye a partir
de esta información.
Esta investigación explora ambos tipos de modelos y realiza propuestas para el control de la
epidemia. Se consideran modelos compartimentales tipo SEIR y redes de contagio aleatorias
y de Lévy como aproximaciones válidas a la epidemia de COVID-19. Se proponen estrategias
de aislamiento para ambos casos, y se analiza la efectividad de cada una. Concluimos que
una estrategia de aislamiento bien diseñada puede mitigar la epidemia de manera acelerada
y compatible con las necesidades económicas de la comunidad. Sin embargo, la falla en el di-
seño de la estrategia puede conducir a periodos de aislamiento prolongados. El momento de
aplicación de la estrategia de mitigación es un parámetro decisivo respecto de su efectividad.
The COVID-19 epidemic turned the investigation on complex systems to the matter of disease’s propagation. The compartimental models appear as a suitable insight for the stu- dy of any community as a whole. The network models, however, stands on a “microscopic” perspective of the disease and acquires this data for picturing the infectious state of the commuity. Our investigation explores both kinds of models and proposes control strategies for the COVID-19 epidemic. We focus on the SEIR compartimental model, as well as random and Levy networks. We further propose lockdown strategies for the SEIR model and the net- work models. We realized that a thoughtful lockdown scheme can mitigate the disease, while handling the disturbing consecuences on the economy. Any misleading planning, however, will require a heavy lockdown. The startup time raises as a relevant issue for a successful disease control.
The COVID-19 epidemic turned the investigation on complex systems to the matter of disease’s propagation. The compartimental models appear as a suitable insight for the stu- dy of any community as a whole. The network models, however, stands on a “microscopic” perspective of the disease and acquires this data for picturing the infectious state of the commuity. Our investigation explores both kinds of models and proposes control strategies for the COVID-19 epidemic. We focus on the SEIR compartimental model, as well as random and Levy networks. We further propose lockdown strategies for the SEIR model and the net- work models. We realized that a thoughtful lockdown scheme can mitigate the disease, while handling the disturbing consecuences on the economy. Any misleading planning, however, will require a heavy lockdown. The startup time raises as a relevant issue for a successful disease control.
epidemia, seir, covid-19, epidemic, seir, covid-19
Proyecciones, Vol.18 No. 2
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