Una estrategia didáctica sobre educación ambiental en escuelas de nivel medio
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AJEA- Actas de Jornadas y Eventos Académicos de UTN
La educación ambiental desempeña un papel fundamental en la formación de individuos conscientes y
responsables con el entorno natural. El presente trabajo se enfoca en una estrategia didáctica para promover la educación ambiental en escuelas de nivel medio de la ciudad de San Francisco, incluyendo las de gestión pública con modalidad públicas de modalidad técnica, bachiller y de gestión privada. Esta actividad académica se ha desarrollado con el objetivo de fomentar la comprensión de los estudiantes sobre los problemas ambientales y capacitarlos para tomar medidas concretas para su conservación. La propuesta se basa en una serie de actividades lúdicas que intentan crear un ambiente de aprendizaje interactivo y dinámico que motive a los estudiantes a explorar y comprender los conceptos clave relacionados con la educación ambiental. Además, se promueve el uso de tecnologías educativas como herramientas complementarias. Los resultados muestran diferencias entre los conocimientos de diferentes escuelas y aspectos comunes que deben ser fortalecidos en las diferentes instituciones.
Environmental education plays a fundamental role in the formation of conscious and responsible individuals with the natural environment. The present work focuses on a didactic strategy to promote environmental education in middle level schools in the city of San Francisco, including those of public management with public modality of technical modality, high school and private management. This academic activity has been developed with the aim of promoting students' understanding of environmental problems and enabling them to take concrete measures for their conservation. The proposal is based on a series of playful activities that try to create an interactive and dynamic learning environment that motivates students to explore and understand the key concepts related to environmental education. In addition, the use of educational technologies as complementary tools is promoted. The results show differences between the knowledge of different schools and common aspects that must be strengthened in the different institutions.
Environmental education plays a fundamental role in the formation of conscious and responsible individuals with the natural environment. The present work focuses on a didactic strategy to promote environmental education in middle level schools in the city of San Francisco, including those of public management with public modality of technical modality, high school and private management. This academic activity has been developed with the aim of promoting students' understanding of environmental problems and enabling them to take concrete measures for their conservation. The proposal is based on a series of playful activities that try to create an interactive and dynamic learning environment that motivates students to explore and understand the key concepts related to environmental education. In addition, the use of educational technologies as complementary tools is promoted. The results show differences between the knowledge of different schools and common aspects that must be strengthened in the different institutions.
Ambiente, Didáctica, Educación, Environment, Didactics, Education
Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología 2023
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