Evaluación de proyecto de inversión en maquinaria vial para la empresa Constructora Sarandí S.A.S.
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Este trabajo de investigación evalúa la viabilidad económica de la inversión en una Minicargadora para Constructora Sarandí S.A.S., incluyendo un implemento (pala excavadora pivotante) y un tráiler para facilitar el traslado del equipo entre obras. El proyecto busca optimizar los tiempos y eficiencia en los proyectos de construcción, ampliando la oferta de servicios de la empresa.
El análisis financiero considera una inversión inicial de $67.308.300 y evalúa tanto los costos fijos (administración, seguros, fletes, depreciación) como los variables (combustible, salarios, mantenimientos), resultando en un costo total por hora de $33.231. El precio de alquiler de la
Minicargadora se fijó en $40.000/hora más IVA, con transporte y operador incluidos.
A través de un análisis de flujos de caja proyectados para un período de diez años, se
evaluaron tres escenarios de financiamiento: capital propio, financiación directa de proveedores y
crédito bancario con garantía SGR, utilizando como indicadores el Valor Actual Neto (VAN), la
Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) y el Periodo de Recuperación de la Inversión (Payback).
El análisis determinó que la financiación directa de proveedores era la mejor opción, permitiendo reducir el desembolso inicial, aprovechar pagos sin interés y optimizar el flujo de caja.
Los resultados clave de este escenario incluyen un VAN de $ 68.143.505, una TIR de 37%, y un
Payback de 4 años y 3 meses.
Este análisis ofrece una base sólida para la toma de decisiones estratégicas sobre la adquisición de maquinaria, demostrando que la financiación directa de proveedores es la opción más rentable y con un menor tiempo de recuperación, en comparación con otras alternativas.
This research evaluates the economic feasibility of investing in a mini loader for Constructora Sarandí S.A.S., including an attachment (pivoting excavator bucket) and a trailer to facilitate equipment transportation between worksites. The project aims to optimize construction project timelines and efficiency while expanding the company’s range of services. The financial analysis considers an initial investment of $67,308,300 and evaluates both fixed costs (administration, insurance, shipping, depreciation) and variable costs (fuel, wages, maintenance), resulting in a total hourly cost of $33,231. The rental price for the mini loader was set at $40,000/hour plus VAT, including transportation and an operator. Through a cash flow projection analysis over a ten-year period, three financing scenarios were evaluated: own capital, direct supplier financing, and bank credit with SGR guarantee, using key indicators such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period. The analysis determined that direct supplier financing was the best option, reducing the initial outlay, taking advantage of interest-free payments, and optimizing cash flow. Key results for this scenario include an NPV of $ 68.143.505, an IRR of 37%, and a payback period of 4 years and 3 months. This analysis provides a solid foundation for strategic decision-making regarding equipment acquisition, demonstrating that direct supplier financing is the most profitable option with a shorter recovery time compared to other alternatives.
This research evaluates the economic feasibility of investing in a mini loader for Constructora Sarandí S.A.S., including an attachment (pivoting excavator bucket) and a trailer to facilitate equipment transportation between worksites. The project aims to optimize construction project timelines and efficiency while expanding the company’s range of services. The financial analysis considers an initial investment of $67,308,300 and evaluates both fixed costs (administration, insurance, shipping, depreciation) and variable costs (fuel, wages, maintenance), resulting in a total hourly cost of $33,231. The rental price for the mini loader was set at $40,000/hour plus VAT, including transportation and an operator. Through a cash flow projection analysis over a ten-year period, three financing scenarios were evaluated: own capital, direct supplier financing, and bank credit with SGR guarantee, using key indicators such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period. The analysis determined that direct supplier financing was the best option, reducing the initial outlay, taking advantage of interest-free payments, and optimizing cash flow. Key results for this scenario include an NPV of $ 68.143.505, an IRR of 37%, and a payback period of 4 years and 3 months. This analysis provides a solid foundation for strategic decision-making regarding equipment acquisition, demonstrating that direct supplier financing is the most profitable option with a shorter recovery time compared to other alternatives.
Análisis de viabilidad, Inversión en maquinaria, Minicargadora, Análisis de costos, Maquinaria vial, Feasibility analysis, Machinery investment, Mini loader,
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