Método y beneficios de aplicar Lean construction en constructora tradicional
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Este trabajo analiza la posibilidad de aplicar metodologías de la filosofía LEAN en empresas constructoras tradicionales. En particular el sistema Last Planner ® System (LPS) (Ballard y Howell, 1994). Busca encontrar herramientas que permitan mejorar la confiabilidad y la eficiencia en la industria de la construcción. Se estudia en que grado se cumple con los plazos y presupuestos planificados tanto en empresas tradicionales como en aquellas que aplican el LPS y en qué nivel se podrían beneficiar por aplicar este tipo de metodologías. Finalmente se ofrece un método para la aplicación del LPS en una empresa modelo de tamaño medio en la
This work analyzes the possibility of applying methodologies of the LEAN philosophy in traditional construction companies, in particular the Last Planner® System (LPS) (Ballard and Howell, 1994). It seeks to find tools to improve reliability and efficiency in the construction industry. It is studied to what degree the planned deadlines and budgets are met both in traditional companies and in those which apply the LPS and at what level they could benefit from applying this type of methodologies. Finally, a method is offered for the application of the LPS in a model company of medium size in the region.
This work analyzes the possibility of applying methodologies of the LEAN philosophy in traditional construction companies, in particular the Last Planner® System (LPS) (Ballard and Howell, 1994). It seeks to find tools to improve reliability and efficiency in the construction industry. It is studied to what degree the planned deadlines and budgets are met both in traditional companies and in those which apply the LPS and at what level they could benefit from applying this type of methodologies. Finally, a method is offered for the application of the LPS in a model company of medium size in the region.
LEAN construction, Last planner® system, Collaborative planning, Performance indicators, Construcción LEAN, Planificación colaborativa, Indicadores de desempeño
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