Proyecto de una guía para el diseño de carreras de posgrado considerando criterios y requisitos de estándares nacionales e internacionales del área de la educación y la gestión de la calidad.
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Facultad Regional Buenos Aires
El diseño de un programa formativo a nivel de posgrado es una tarea en la que intervienen opciones antropológicas, sociales, históricas, filosóficas, económicas y tecnológicas existen. La propuesta no es analizar o fundamentar la complejidad del currículo sino que eso amerita que sistematicemos una forma de trabajo que nos permita recorrer esta tarea con la mayor seguridad y provecho posibles. Esto no es otra cosa que hacernos eco del lema de calidad: “hacer las cosas bien, de primera vez”. Se trata, por lo tanto, de establecer una metodología con la cual los equipos conformados por los pedagogos, los especialistas, los gestores de la educación, los profesores, los técnicos, los acreditadores y la sociedad en general, puedan intervenir con su aporte, en el momento adecuado y con el dato preciso, tal como harían los músicos en una orquesta, para arribar a una carrera de posgrado con la mayor calidad posible.
The design of a training program at the graduate level is a task in which anthropological, social, historical, philosophical, economic and technological options exist. The proposal is not to analyze or to base the complexity of the curriculum but that deserves that we systematize a form of work that allows us to go through this task with the greatest possible security and benefit. This is nothing more than echoing the quality motto: "doing things right, first time". It is, therefore, to establish a methodology with which teams made up of pedagogues, specialists, education managers, teachers, technicians, accrediters and society in general, can intervene with their contribution, at the right time and with the precise data, as musicians would do in an orchestra, to arrive at a postgraduate career with the highest possible quality.
The design of a training program at the graduate level is a task in which anthropological, social, historical, philosophical, economic and technological options exist. The proposal is not to analyze or to base the complexity of the curriculum but that deserves that we systematize a form of work that allows us to go through this task with the greatest possible security and benefit. This is nothing more than echoing the quality motto: "doing things right, first time". It is, therefore, to establish a methodology with which teams made up of pedagogues, specialists, education managers, teachers, technicians, accrediters and society in general, can intervene with their contribution, at the right time and with the precise data, as musicians would do in an orchestra, to arrive at a postgraduate career with the highest possible quality.
Ingeniería en Calidad, Diseño curricular, Carreras, Educación Superior, Posgrados, Quality, Curricular Design, College career, Higher Education, Posgraduate
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