Indagación a establecimientos agropecuarios del departamento San Justo, Córdoba
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AJEA- Actas de Jornadas y Eventos Académicos de UTN
La sustentabilidad de los ecosistemas y los recursos y servicios que estos proporcionan, requieren que se comprendan a fondo los procesos de cambio de usos de suelo y sus efectos, ya que estos pueden llevar a la pérdida de capa superficial del suelo por erosión hídrica o eólica, inundaciones, pérdida de productividad, etc. El conocimiento de la distribución y superficie sembrada de cultivos agrícolas es indispensable para la planificación de políticas, para definir las bases de ordenamiento territorial y para productores en la toma de decisiones. El presente trabajo, tiene como objetivo principal explorar las principales características técnicas y productivas de los establecimientos agropecuarios, relacionadas con el uso del recurso suelo, a través de los datos obtenidos en una encuesta a productores del departamento San Justo, que adhieren a las Buenas Prácticas Agropecuarias, del Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganadería de la provincia de Córdoba.
The sustainability of ecosystems and the resources and services they provide require a thorough understanding of land use change processes and their effects, since these can lead to the loss of topsoil due to water or wind erosion, flooding, loss of productivity, etc. Knowledge of the distribution and area sown with agricultural crops is essential for policy planning, defining the basis for land-use planning and for producers in decision-making. The main objective of this project is to explore the main technical and productive characteristics of agricultural establishments, related to the use of soil resources, through the data obtained in a survey of producers in the San Justo department, who adhere to Agricultural Good Practices, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of the province of Córdoba.
The sustainability of ecosystems and the resources and services they provide require a thorough understanding of land use change processes and their effects, since these can lead to the loss of topsoil due to water or wind erosion, flooding, loss of productivity, etc. Knowledge of the distribution and area sown with agricultural crops is essential for policy planning, defining the basis for land-use planning and for producers in decision-making. The main objective of this project is to explore the main technical and productive characteristics of agricultural establishments, related to the use of soil resources, through the data obtained in a survey of producers in the San Justo department, who adhere to Agricultural Good Practices, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of the province of Córdoba.
Suelo, Análisis, Agricultura, Sostenibilidad, Soil, Analysis, Agriculture, Sustainability
Jornadas de Ciencia y Tecnología 2022