UTN- FRC -Producción Académica de Investigación y Desarrollo - Libros o partes de libro

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    Estrategias para el Desarrollo Sostenible: Modelos Asociativos : Análisis de la Cámara de Industrias informáticas, electrónicas y de comunicaciones del centro de Argentina
    (Editorial Brujas, 2019) Tavella, Marcelo; Miropolsky, Ariel; González, Gustavo; Manera, Roxana; Tavella, Demián
    Resulta interesante y satisfactorio poder observar cómo un modelo de asociatividad resultó una herramienta efectiva para que los socios de la CIECCA logren insertarse y mantenerse en un mercado que cada vez más es más regional, abierto y competitivo, convirtiéndose en un ejemplo a seguir por otras cámaras empre- sariales. En este sentido, las alianzas estratégicas constituyen una táctica importante para mitigar los impactos de los ciclos econó- micos, particularmente aquellos en los que la economía atraviesa por dificultades. La experiencia internacional y nacional que se pudo relevar para este trabajo sugiere que la organización asociativa de micros, pequeñas y medianas empresas es una forma de competir eficaz y unificadamente en los mercados internacionales y de incrementar la sostenibilidad de estos emprendimientos. Sin embargo, cabe mencionar que para que estas asociaciones funcionen adecuada- mente, es necesario que exista una sinergia entre el gobierno, el sector educativo y el sector productivo. Por otra parte, es de des- tacar que el éxito de la estrategia de asociatividad depende en gran medida de la identificación de las regiones económicas, los secto- res de producción tradicional y las nuevas actividades productivas que pueden llegar a tener potencial para el desarrollo económico regional. En lo referido a la participación de la CIIECCA, se observa claramente una valoración positiva de sus miembros a este orga- nismo, considerando su tarea relevante y en general calificando fa- vorablemente sus actividades. No obstante se observa un enorme potencial de mejora, no solo en lo referido a la implementación de normas gestión y a la utilización de energías renovables, sino también en la promoción de nuevos proyectos asociativos entres las empresas integrantes de la Cámara, tales como parques in- dustriales temáticos, nuevos clústers productivos o mayor oferta de servicios comunes a los socios. Es importante destacar que en la actualidad, las experiencias de este tipo en nuestra región no han sido numerosas y no han alcanzado aún un alto grado de difusión y estímulo. Como conclusión general, la devolución de los resultados del trabajo realizado a la CIIECCA, permitirán a esta cámara empre- sarial definir líneas de acción y optimizar sus tareas a efectos de poder alcanzar sus objetivos fundacionales, tendientes a la sus- tentabilidad y el desarrollo territorial productivo del sector que representa.
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    Pilotes instalados en limos loéssicos bajo solicitaciones laterales
    (*, 2007) Arrúa, Pedro A.
    En terrenos donde se ubican estructuras de gran porte surge el problema de la transmisión de esfuerzos al suelo. Cuando el estrato superficial es poco resistente o presenta inestabilidad en su comportamiento ante modificación de las condiciones ambientales, la solución aceptada internacionalmente consiste en el empleo de fundaciones que trasmiten los esfuerzos a mantos profundos de mayor resistencia (Randolph y Wroth 1978, Poulos y Davis 1980, Oteo Mazo 1980, Rodriguez Ortiz et al. 1982, Bowles 1988, Fang 1990, Prakash y Sharma 1990, Das 1999, Reese et al. 2005). Las fundaciones mediante pilotes, usualmente son diseñadas para transmitir esfuerzos en dirección vertical, pero pueden ser proyectadas para resistir cargas en dirección horizontal bajo comportamiento de flexión.
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    Aplicação drvs em Belém, Brasil: recontextualização desde a saúde coletiva e a vulnerabilidade social.
    (Instituto de Investigaciones Geohistóricas, 2012) Rojas, María del carmen; Lobo, Marco; Vianna, Izabelle; Vázquez, Juan Carlos; Castillo, Julio Javier
    Propõe-se um dispositivo para pensar o risco da moradia para a saúde desde a perspectiva da saúde coletiva e da vulnerabilidade social. Com este fim, se apresenta uma ferramenta que permite avaliar e vigiar o risco desde um enfoque que integra noções de capital social e humano a partir dos ativos sociais e estrutura de oportunidades que possuem as moradias. O expressado traduz-se na criação de uma metodologia diagnóstica denominada, Diagnóstico del Riesgo de la Vivienda para la Salud –DRVS- e o software associado denominado, Riesgo de la Vivienda para la Salud -RVS v 2.1-baseado em redes neuronais e variáveis difusas. Apresenta-se a aplicação de DRVS na cidade de Belém. Vincular as variáveis da moradia com as do contexto social facilita a redução do risco de acordo com o nível de desenvolvimento alcançado pela comunidade.
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    Systematic mapping of literature on applicable patterns in conceptual modelling of information systems
    (Springer, 2021) Medina, Oscar Carlos; Pérez Cota, Manuel; Damiano, Luis Esteban; Della Mea, Karen; Marciszack, Marcelo Martín
    Abstract. Context: The addition of patterns to the Conceptual Model of Information Systems would allow to optimize the quality level of computer systems. In spite of the fact that there are several studies on the application of patterns in the different phases of software development, since the beginning, these studies have focused on programming rather than analysis and design. Objective: The aim of this study is to carry out a systematic mapping of the field of Software Engineering in an attempt to characterize state-of-the-art patterns that can be applied to Conceptual Modelling, identifying gaps and opportunities for future research. Method: A systematic mapping of existing literature on the topic was performed in order to identify the most important studies on the field. These were then classified and analyzed according to different criteria. We also carried out a subjective assessment highlighting the most important ideas and experiences identified. Results: As a result of systematic mapping, there were found 26 primary studies of interest published between January 1995 and December 2019. In general, these studies are associated with software modelling methodologies which provide empirical evidence of the impact of the use of patterns. Conclusions: In this preliminary study, it was possible to identify the most relevant pattern types that were applied in the Conceptual Modelling of Information Systems. Integrating these types of patterns with existing analysis and design tools is also an important challenge that needs to be addressed in this area.
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    Using architecture patterns in the conceptual model of an egov software
    (Springer, 2020) Medina, Oscar Carlos; Romero, María Soledad; Romero, Rubén Anibal; Siban, Mariano Martín; Marciszack, Marcelo Martín
    Context: A model to reuse of a successful solution for the same problem, considering different contexts, is called a Pattern. Patterns can be classified in different types from Software Engineering point of view. Objective: This work focuses on the use of architecture patterns for Conceptual Modelling of a software product. Methods: A study case on a process that supports an occupational safety monitoring application in the Public Sector was analyzed. This experience can be used as a baseline to be used in similar Electronic Government systems. Results: The application of Architecture Patterns allows to define Software Architecture planning the system structure in a middle layer of the Conceptual Modelling. Conclusion: It is feasible to incorporate architecture patterns to the eGov system modelling phase and to increase the software quality level that implements them. The patterns generated from this experience will be used to define a model to analyze the application of patterns in Conceptual Modelling of Electronic Government systems
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    Objectives patterns applied to the business model of a public education system
    (Springer, 2019) Meloni, Brenda Elizabeth; Pérez Cota, Manuel; Medina, Oscar Carlos; Marciszack, Marcelo Martín
    Context: A pattern is a description of a common solution to a recurring problem that can be applied in a specific context. There are different kinds of patterns in Software Engineering, such as Business Patterns. Goal: The present work develops a particular kind of Business Patterns, called Objectives Patterns, used to model business processes. The application of these patterns to a Business Model of a Public Education system is also analysed. Methods: The process that supports the Education System is analysed and Objectives Patterns are applied, according to the proposal stated in the bibliography, which was reviewed in the Theoretical Framework. Conclusions: The application of Objectives Patterns allowed elucidating the requirements, analysing possible difficulties, and finding solutions and similarities between scenarios to simplify the process modelling
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    Usability quality aspects embedded in the business model
    (Springer, 2019) Moreno, Juan Carlos; Marciszack, Marcelo Martín; Groppo, Mario Alberto
    This work is a proposal for the identification Non Functional Usability Requirements Specification, at an early stage. The procedure starts in a business processes modeling domain, where essential specifications are captured. Then they are mapped to a structure called Baseline Requirements using the concept of paradigm transformation from Model Driven Software Design. In this context, usability specifications are introduced inside the scenarios using transformations, and take part in these scenarios by using Lexicon Extended Language (LEL). The use of LEL allows to describe the usability specifications and the construction of a dictionary, which will later be needed for integrating the usability specifications in the software programs developed. This also provides the possibility to identify, define and maintain the traceability of usability specifications defined at early stages.
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    Conceptual modelling of a mobile app for occupational safety using process and objectives patterns
    (Springer, 2018) Medina, Oscar Carlos; Pérez Cota, Manuel; Marciszack, Marcelo Martín; Siban, Mariano Martín; Pérez, Nicolás; Dean, Diego
    A pattern is a model that allows the reuse of a successful solution for the same problem in different contexts. From a Software Engineering approach, there are different pattern types; the present work proposes the use of processes and goals patterns to describe processes at the Conceptual Modelling phase of an information system. We develop a study case over a process supporting an application for occupational safety monitoring in the Public Sector. This process, due to its features and fully digital implementation, can be considered as a repeatable Electronic Government experience. Patterns described here are part of a pattern catalog from the experimental phase of a research that searches to define an analysis model for the application of Conceptual Modelling Patterns for Electronic Government systems