Nuevo aeropuerto de Concepción del Uruguay
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Luego de un extenso relevamiento general llevado a cabo en la ciudad de Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Ríos, Argentina), se efectuó un diagnóstico del cual se establecieron objetivos generales y particulares focalizando en el transporte aéreo.
Una serie de entrevistas y reuniones efectuadas a distintos actores del rubro
permitieron dar a conocer una Propuesta de Crecimiento del Aeródromo Municipal, que sirvió de base para establecer un Master Plan con objetivos a corto, mediano y largo plazo dentro de los cuales se enmarcan tres propuestas denominadas: “Anteproyecto Arquitectónico”, “Anteproyecto Vial” y “Anteproyecto Hidráulico”.
En primer lugar, se reubicó y diseñó una nueva terminal aérea mediante construcción
en seco, primando la sustentabilidad, y con suficiente capacidad para acompañar un crecimiento sostenido de la región en un periodo no menor a 20 años.
Se resolvió además la intersección del ingreso a la terminal aérea desde la Ruta
Nacional N°14, diseñando las curvas y los carriles de aceleración y desaceleración necesarios para la conexión con el carril de sentido Norte-Sur de la autovía.
Se planteó el diseño geométrico y estructural de los caminos internos de circulación y
las playas de estacionamiento requeridas, con un tránsito medio diario anual estimado considerando el funcionamiento diario de la terminal aérea.
Se efectuó un estudio hidrológico de la cuenca que interesa a la terminal aérea
planteada, cuantificando la incidencia de la misma y efectuando el proyecto y dimensionando de la infraestructura necesaria para mitigar los problemas de anegamiento aguas abajo en el barrio “La Tablada”.
Por último, se realizó el cálculo de todos los elementos que componen la estructura
resistente de la terminal aérea. La misma, se proyectó con perfiles metálicos conformados en frío y en caliente, conforme las exigencias de los Reglamentos CIRSOC vigentes.
After an extensive general survey carried out in the city of Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Ríos, Argentina), a diagnosis was made from which general and specific objectives were established, focusing on air transport. A series of interviews and meetings with different actors in the field made it possible to present a Proposal for the Growth of the Municipal Aerodrome, which served as the basis for establishing a Master Plan with short, medium, and long-term objectives within which three proposals are framed named: “Architectural Preliminary Project”, “Road Preliminary Project” and “Hydraulic Preliminary Project”. In the first place, a new air terminal was relocated and designed through dry construction, prioritizing sustainability, and with sufficient capacity to accompany sustained growth in the region over a period of no less than 20 years. The intersection of the entrance to the air terminal from National Route No. 14 was also resolved, designing the curves and the acceleration and deceleration lanes necessary for the connection with the north-south lane of the highway. The geometric and structural design of the internal circulation roads and the required parking lots were proposed, with an estimated annual average daily traffic considering the daily operation of the air terminal. A hydrological study of the basin that interests the proposed air terminal was carried out, quantifying its incidence and carrying out the project and dimensioning the necessary infrastructure to mitigate the problems of waterlogging downstream in the "La Tablada" neighborhood. Finally, the calculation of all the elements that make up the resistant structure of the air terminal was carried out. It was designed with hot and cold-formed metal profiles, following the requirements of the current CIRSOC Regulations.
After an extensive general survey carried out in the city of Concepción del Uruguay (Entre Ríos, Argentina), a diagnosis was made from which general and specific objectives were established, focusing on air transport. A series of interviews and meetings with different actors in the field made it possible to present a Proposal for the Growth of the Municipal Aerodrome, which served as the basis for establishing a Master Plan with short, medium, and long-term objectives within which three proposals are framed named: “Architectural Preliminary Project”, “Road Preliminary Project” and “Hydraulic Preliminary Project”. In the first place, a new air terminal was relocated and designed through dry construction, prioritizing sustainability, and with sufficient capacity to accompany sustained growth in the region over a period of no less than 20 years. The intersection of the entrance to the air terminal from National Route No. 14 was also resolved, designing the curves and the acceleration and deceleration lanes necessary for the connection with the north-south lane of the highway. The geometric and structural design of the internal circulation roads and the required parking lots were proposed, with an estimated annual average daily traffic considering the daily operation of the air terminal. A hydrological study of the basin that interests the proposed air terminal was carried out, quantifying its incidence and carrying out the project and dimensioning the necessary infrastructure to mitigate the problems of waterlogging downstream in the "La Tablada" neighborhood. Finally, the calculation of all the elements that make up the resistant structure of the air terminal was carried out. It was designed with hot and cold-formed metal profiles, following the requirements of the current CIRSOC Regulations.
Aeródromo, Aeroparque, Pavimento flexible, Pista de aterrizaje, Aerodrome, Flexible pavement, Airport
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