Ergonomía 4.0: Exoesqueletos y Robots Colaborativos
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Escuela de Posgrado. Facultad Regional Buenos AIres
El presente trabajo intenta disipar dudas e incertidumbres sobre la aplicabilidad de
exoesqueletos y robots colaborativos dentro del entorno laboral. Dos temas que acompañan
el singular avance de la tecnología digital, e interpelan a los profesionales que participamos
en el proceso decisorio de las empresas en las que nos desempeñamos. El relevamiento de
información, se llevó a cabo a través de fuentes científicas provenientes de instituciones
internacionales de investigación, contenidas en tesis, reportes, libros y seminarios donde se
expusieron los temas de referencia. Entre los especialistas encontramos opiniones
controvertidas, dando cuenta de aspectos beneficiosos y otros potencialmente riesgosos
para la salud de los trabajadores. En el caso de los exoesqueletos es donde advertimos
mayores dificultades para consolidar su integración a la actividad laboral, debido a sus
posibles efectos colaterales. Así es como arribamos a la conclusión de que tanto los
exoesqueletos como la robótica colaborativa, aportan beneficios tangibles y ofrecen nuevas
oportunidades para aliviar esfuerzos físicos y riesgos ergonómicos, siendo aplicables en
casos donde otros medios no son viables o eficientes. Al mismo tiempo favorecen la
productividad y la calidad de los procesos, resultando versátiles, y de costos accesibles a la
mediana industria. La contracara de tales beneficios son los nuevos riesgos emergentes, de
donde surge la importancia de aplicar buenas prácticas de implementación, la formación
transversal y la vigilancia de resultados a mediano y largo plazo.
Palabras-claves: Industrias 4.0, Ergonomía 4.0, exoesqueletos, robots colaborativos.
Abstract This paper attempts to dispel doubts and uncertainties about the applicability of exoskeletons and collaborative robots within the work environment. Two issues that accompany the unique advance of digital technology and challenge the professionals who participate in the decision-making process of the companies in which we work. The information collection was carried out through scientific sources from international research institutions, contained in theses, reports, books and seminars where the reference topics were presented. Among the specialists we found controversial opinions, giving an account of beneficial aspects and others that are potentially risky for the health of workers. In the case of exoskeletons, we noticed the greatest difficulties in consolidating their integration into work activity, due to their possible side effects. This is how we arrived at the conclusion that both exoskeletons and collaborative robotics provide tangible benefits and offer new opportunities to alleviate physical efforts and ergonomic risks, being applicable in cases where other means are not viable or efficient. At the same time, they promote productivity and process quality, resulting in versatility and affordable costs for medium-sized industries. The flip side of such benefits are the new emerging risks, which give rise to the importance
Abstract This paper attempts to dispel doubts and uncertainties about the applicability of exoskeletons and collaborative robots within the work environment. Two issues that accompany the unique advance of digital technology and challenge the professionals who participate in the decision-making process of the companies in which we work. The information collection was carried out through scientific sources from international research institutions, contained in theses, reports, books and seminars where the reference topics were presented. Among the specialists we found controversial opinions, giving an account of beneficial aspects and others that are potentially risky for the health of workers. In the case of exoskeletons, we noticed the greatest difficulties in consolidating their integration into work activity, due to their possible side effects. This is how we arrived at the conclusion that both exoskeletons and collaborative robotics provide tangible benefits and offer new opportunities to alleviate physical efforts and ergonomic risks, being applicable in cases where other means are not viable or efficient. At the same time, they promote productivity and process quality, resulting in versatility and affordable costs for medium-sized industries. The flip side of such benefits are the new emerging risks, which give rise to the importance