Síntesis de dióxido de titanio mesoporoso, modificado con hierro y cobre, para ser aplicado en la degradación fotocatalítica del ácido naranja 7
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Por el método de sol gel fueron sintetizados nanomateriales de dióxido de titanio (TiO2) que fueron
modificados, mediante impregnación húmeda, con distintas cargas de hierro y cobre. Se realizó un
estudio de caracterización mediante espectrometría UV-Vis, difracción de rayos X, y adsorción –
desorción con nitrógeno a la matriz pura. Los sólidos impregnados con hierro fueron puestos a prueba
en la degradación fotocatalítica del colorante azoico ácido naranja 7 (AO7) bajo radiación UV-Vis y
Vis. En tanto que los materiales con cobre, sólo bajo luz visible. Los resultados de la caracterización
dieron cuenta de la presencia de fase anatasa en la estructura cristalina de todas las muestras, de la
naturaleza mesoporosa de la matriz, y de la mejor capacidad de absorción de los sólidos a medida que
el contenido metálico se incrementó (desplazamiento de la absorción hacia mayores longitudes de
onda, espectro visible). Se determinó que impregnar la matriz con tan sólo 0,1% P/P de hierro mejora
la actividad catalítica, en relación a la presentada por el sólido sin modificar, ya sea se utilice radiación
visible o UV-Vis. No pudo demostrarse lo mismo en los materiales con cobre, donde la actividad
resultó ser menor o similar en comparación a la matriz.
Nanoparticles of Titanium dioxide (TiO2) were synthetized by the sol gel method and modified with different iron and copper loadings by wet impregnation. The obtained solids were characterized by UV-Vis spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, and adsorption-desorption with nitrogen was applied for the pure matrix. Iron-modified solids were tested in the photocatalytic degradation of the azo dye Orange Acid 7 (AO7) under UV-Vis and Vis radiation. Meanwhile, the materials modified with copper were tested only under visible light. The results of the characterization showed the presence of the anatase phase in the crystalline structure of all the samples, the mesoporous nature of the matrix and the enhanced absorption ability in the solids with the increased metal content (from displacement of the absorption towards greater wavelengths, visible spectrum). It was determined that 0.1% P/P of iron improves the catalytic activity of the unmodified solid under visible or UV-Vis radiation. The same behavior was not observed in materials modified with copper, where the activity was smaller or similar in comparison to the matrix
Nanoparticles of Titanium dioxide (TiO2) were synthetized by the sol gel method and modified with different iron and copper loadings by wet impregnation. The obtained solids were characterized by UV-Vis spectrometry, X-ray diffraction, and adsorption-desorption with nitrogen was applied for the pure matrix. Iron-modified solids were tested in the photocatalytic degradation of the azo dye Orange Acid 7 (AO7) under UV-Vis and Vis radiation. Meanwhile, the materials modified with copper were tested only under visible light. The results of the characterization showed the presence of the anatase phase in the crystalline structure of all the samples, the mesoporous nature of the matrix and the enhanced absorption ability in the solids with the increased metal content (from displacement of the absorption towards greater wavelengths, visible spectrum). It was determined that 0.1% P/P of iron improves the catalytic activity of the unmodified solid under visible or UV-Vis radiation. The same behavior was not observed in materials modified with copper, where the activity was smaller or similar in comparison to the matrix
Contaminantes orgánicos, Nano-estructurados, Fotocatálisis
XX Congreso Argentino de Catálisis (2017).
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