Influencia de la dinámica poblacional sobre las emisiones de carbono. Análisis de indicadores tecnológicos
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Actualmente, el análisis de las transiciones demográficas sobre el crecimiento económico ha
cobrado relevancia en el debate sobre el cambio climático. El impacto de dichas transiciones
influye directamente sobre el consumo de bienes y energía primaria y sobre las emisiones de
carbono, modificando la acumulación de gases de efecto invernadero en la atmósfera. Este
trabajo propone analizar las tendencias globales y regionales de los distintos factores relacionados con las emisiones antrópicas de carbono. El estudio de los resultados permitirá proponer diversas medidas para producir una estabilización o reducción efectiva de las emisiones
antrópicas de CO2
Currently, analysis of demographic transitions on economic growth has become relevant in the debate on climate change, given that the impact of these transitions has a direct impact on consumption of goods, primary energy and carbon emissions by changing the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This paper aims to analyze global and regional trends of the different factors directly related to anthropogenic carbon emissions. The results will help to identify proper measures to produce a stabilization or effective reduction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions.
Currently, analysis of demographic transitions on economic growth has become relevant in the debate on climate change, given that the impact of these transitions has a direct impact on consumption of goods, primary energy and carbon emissions by changing the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This paper aims to analyze global and regional trends of the different factors directly related to anthropogenic carbon emissions. The results will help to identify proper measures to produce a stabilization or effective reduction of anthropogenic CO2 emissions.
dinámica poblacional, emisiones de carbono, intensidad de las emisiones, intensidad energética, population dynamics, anthropogenic emissions, emissions intensity, energy intensity
Proyecciones, Vol.9 No. 1
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