Implementación de políticas en la gestión del talento femenino para la captación y conservación de su valor diferencial. Un estudio de caso en una empresa multinacional en el área metropolitana de Buenos Aires
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Escuela de Posgrado - Facultad Regional Buenos Aires
El presente trabajo de tesis se enfoca en el análisis del estudio sobre las políticas de gestión del talento femenino en una empresa multinacional en Buenos Aires, se analizó en detalle cómo se ha logrado captar e incentivar el potencial y el valor diferencial de tres mujeres, quienes ocupan altos cargos en la compañía.
Se describe en detalle, las barreras y las oportunidades que han enfrentado las mujeres presentes en el estudio, durante su carrera profesional. Para lograr lo anteriormente mencionado, se detallaron los factores como la edad, la formación, la red de contactos, la decisión de formar una familia, las herramientas personales y profesionales de cada una de las participantes, se determinó como la gestión empresarial de las políticas han influenciado su crecimiento y desarrollo.
En el documento encontrará diferentes capítulos, en los cuales se detallan las variables estudiadas, se establece la relación entre la implementación de políticas de gestión inclusiva de género y la captación de valor generado por el talento femenino. El principal objetivo de este documento es contribuir en las bases teóricas para brindar un marco de referencia sobre los casos de éxito sustentables en el tiempo.
This thesis is focused on the analysis about the female talent management policies in a multinational company in Buenos Aires, it was analysed in detail, how it has been possible to promote, capture and encourage the potential and differential value of three women, all of them has a high position role in the company. It is described in detail, the roadblocks and the opportunities faced by the women in the study, during their professional career as well. In order to achieve all the describe above, there is details about the age, background, networking, family decisions and all the personal and professional skills of each lady in the study. It was determinate how the management policies have been influencing their grow and development. In this document you will be able to find, five chapters in which is described all the details about the different variables studied. It was stablished the relation between the implementation of inclusive talent management policies and how is capture the added value for the female workers. The principal objective in this document is to help the theorical basis in order to bring a theorical refences about the successful cases, sustainable in the time.
This thesis is focused on the analysis about the female talent management policies in a multinational company in Buenos Aires, it was analysed in detail, how it has been possible to promote, capture and encourage the potential and differential value of three women, all of them has a high position role in the company. It is described in detail, the roadblocks and the opportunities faced by the women in the study, during their professional career as well. In order to achieve all the describe above, there is details about the age, background, networking, family decisions and all the personal and professional skills of each lady in the study. It was determinate how the management policies have been influencing their grow and development. In this document you will be able to find, five chapters in which is described all the details about the different variables studied. It was stablished the relation between the implementation of inclusive talent management policies and how is capture the added value for the female workers. The principal objective in this document is to help the theorical basis in order to bring a theorical refences about the successful cases, sustainable in the time.
Barreras profesionales, Captación de talentos, Equilibrio laboral y profesional, Flexibilidad laboral, Género, Gestión empresarial, Igualdad profesional, Inclusión laboral, Mujeres en altos cargos jerárquicos, Oportunidades laborales, Políticas empresariales, Protección laboral, Talento femenino
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