Propuesta de saneamiento de agua mediante tratamientos fotocatalíticos en Comodoro Rivadavia.
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Escuela de Posgrado - Facultad Regional Buenos Aires
El presente trabajo se encuentra dividido en dos partes: La primera parte consiste en una investigación de la problemática del agua en Comodoro Rivadavia y las posibilidades de implementar en dicha ciudad la tecnología avanzada de oxidación denominada Fotocatálisis Heterogénea con dióxido de titanio TiO2). La segunda parte es el desarrollo de un plan de negocio de una empresa consultora de tratamientos fotocatalíticos enfocado en el sector farmacéutico:
Primera parte: Se hizo una investigación comercial del uso de los tratamientos fotocatalíticos en Comodoro Rivadavia. Se detectaron aplicaciones potenciales en el tratamiento del lago Musters, en la sustitución o combinación de la fotocatálisis heterogénea con TiO2 y el sistema de cloración existente, y en el tratamiento de aguas residuales para ser reutilizadas como agua de riego en proyectos agrícolas. No se encontraron ni proveedores ni proyectos de investigación que sugieran el conocimiento de dicha tecnología. Los usuarios entrevistados manifestaron desconocer qué es y para qué sirve la fotocatálisis heterogénea aplicada a desinfección de aguas. La oferta y demanda de agua de la ciudad superan a la capacidad actual de transformación de contaminantes de la fotocatálisis heterogénea con TiO2; por lo cual se recomienda iniciar proyectos de investigación que validen realmente las posibilidades de uso en los escenarios mencionados. Los clientes potenciales que podrían interesarse por éste tratamiento son la Sociedad Cooperativa de Comodoro Rivadavia (SCPL) y la Municipalidad de Comodoro Rivadavia (MCR); de quienes se intuye preferirían alternativas de tratamientos conocidas y económicas. No obstante, mediante encuestas se determinó que están dispuestos a conocer con mayor detalle dicha tecnología sabiendo que podría ser efectivo en la desinfección de aguas. Se propone que el instrumento mediante el cual podría darse a conocer éstos procesos innovadores sea una empresa consultora especializada en tratamientos fotocatalíticos para apoyar en la inserción de ésta tecnología emergente en procesos reales industriales como estrategia para reducir la brecha entre la investigación y la manufactura en general; con una planificación que contemple un costeo riguroso del proceso de escalamiento industrial y con el desarrollo de un manual de transferencia de tecnología adecuado.
Segunda parte: Se desarrolló un plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa consultora de procesos fotocatalíticos. Para comenzar, se transformó la idea de negocio en un modelo de negocio mediante método de canvas “Zen Canvas” de Cho, que es una variación del canvas de Osterwalder y Pigneur. Se determinó que la oportunidad de negocio se encuentra en la realización de investigaciones que hagan un costeo y desarrollen manuales de transferencia de tecnología de los procesos fotocatalíticos para facilitar la transición del laboratorio a la industria. El nicho de mercado elegido fue la eliminación de diclofenac e ibuprofeno en las aguas residuales del sector farmacéutico. La consultora es financiada con recursos propios y recursos de terceros (principalmente subsidios e inversiones “ángeles”). Se encontró que el VPN es de ARS 204.655.567 y un TIR de 221.07%.
Palabras clave: Comodoro Rivadavia, Fotocatálisis heterogénea, TiO2, dióxido de titanio, canvas, Zen Canvas, lago Musters, agua potable, aguas residuales, tecnología emergente, escalamiento comercial, manuales de transferencia, costeo de tratamientos fotocataliticos, modelo de negocios, consultoría, procesos avanzados de oxidación.
The present work is divided into two parts: The first part consists on an investigation of water problems in Comodoro Rivadavia and the possibilities of the implementation of an advanced oxidation process (AOP) called heterogeneous photocatalysis with titanium dioxide (TiO2). The second part of this work is a business plan of a consulting agency specialized on photocatalytic water treatments. First part: A commercial investigation of the use of photocatalytic water treatments in Comodoro Rivadavia was made. Potential applications were detected in the water treatment of the Musters lake (Lago Musters), in the substitution or combination of heterogenous photocatalysis with TiO2 and the existing chlorination system; and in the wastewater treatment for reuse as irrigation water in agricultural projects. No suppliers or research projects were found to suggest population or experts knowledge of such technology. The interviewed users said they did not know what the heterogeneous photocatalysis applied to water disinfection is for. The city’s water supply and demand exceed the current contaminant capacity of heterogeneous photocatalysis with TiO2; therefore, it is recommended to start research projects that really validate the possibilities of use in the aforementioned scenarios. The potential clients who might be interested in this treatment are the Sociedad Cooperativa de Comodoro Rivadavia (SCPL) and the Municipalidad de Comodoro Rivadavia (MCR); whose it is possible to assure that they would prefer known and economical treatments. However, through surveys it was determined that they are willing to know in greater detail this technology knowing that it could be effective in water disinfection. It is proposed that the instrument through which these innovative processes could be diffused on the industry is a consulting company specialized in photocatalytic treatments to support the insertion of this emerging technology in real industry processes as a strategy to reduce the gap between research and real applications; with a previous planning that includes a rigorous costing of the industrial scaling process and with the development of an appropriate technology transfer manual. Second part: A business plan was developed for the creation of a photocatalytic process consulting company. To begin with, the business idea was transformed into a business model using Cho’s “Zen Canvas” method, which is a variation of the Osterwalder and Pigneur Canvas. It was determined that the business opportunity exists in the creation of cost determination of photocatalytic water treatment projects and the development of technology transfer manuals to facilitate the transition from the laboratory to the industry. The market niche chosen was the elimination of diclofenac and ibuprofen in the wastewater of the pharmaceutical sector. The consulting enterprise is financed with own resources and third party resources (mainly subsidies and “angel” investments). It was found that the VPN equals to ARS 204,655,567 and the IRR equals to 221.07%. Key words: Comodoro Rivadavia, Heterogeneous photocatalysis, TiO2, titanium dioxide, TiO2, canvas, Zen Canvas, lake Musters, drinking water, wastewater, emerging technology, commercial scaling, technology transfer manuals, costing of photocatalytic treatments, business model, advanced oxidation process.
The present work is divided into two parts: The first part consists on an investigation of water problems in Comodoro Rivadavia and the possibilities of the implementation of an advanced oxidation process (AOP) called heterogeneous photocatalysis with titanium dioxide (TiO2). The second part of this work is a business plan of a consulting agency specialized on photocatalytic water treatments. First part: A commercial investigation of the use of photocatalytic water treatments in Comodoro Rivadavia was made. Potential applications were detected in the water treatment of the Musters lake (Lago Musters), in the substitution or combination of heterogenous photocatalysis with TiO2 and the existing chlorination system; and in the wastewater treatment for reuse as irrigation water in agricultural projects. No suppliers or research projects were found to suggest population or experts knowledge of such technology. The interviewed users said they did not know what the heterogeneous photocatalysis applied to water disinfection is for. The city’s water supply and demand exceed the current contaminant capacity of heterogeneous photocatalysis with TiO2; therefore, it is recommended to start research projects that really validate the possibilities of use in the aforementioned scenarios. The potential clients who might be interested in this treatment are the Sociedad Cooperativa de Comodoro Rivadavia (SCPL) and the Municipalidad de Comodoro Rivadavia (MCR); whose it is possible to assure that they would prefer known and economical treatments. However, through surveys it was determined that they are willing to know in greater detail this technology knowing that it could be effective in water disinfection. It is proposed that the instrument through which these innovative processes could be diffused on the industry is a consulting company specialized in photocatalytic treatments to support the insertion of this emerging technology in real industry processes as a strategy to reduce the gap between research and real applications; with a previous planning that includes a rigorous costing of the industrial scaling process and with the development of an appropriate technology transfer manual. Second part: A business plan was developed for the creation of a photocatalytic process consulting company. To begin with, the business idea was transformed into a business model using Cho’s “Zen Canvas” method, which is a variation of the Osterwalder and Pigneur Canvas. It was determined that the business opportunity exists in the creation of cost determination of photocatalytic water treatment projects and the development of technology transfer manuals to facilitate the transition from the laboratory to the industry. The market niche chosen was the elimination of diclofenac and ibuprofen in the wastewater of the pharmaceutical sector. The consulting enterprise is financed with own resources and third party resources (mainly subsidies and “angel” investments). It was found that the VPN equals to ARS 204,655,567 and the IRR equals to 221.07%. Key words: Comodoro Rivadavia, Heterogeneous photocatalysis, TiO2, titanium dioxide, TiO2, canvas, Zen Canvas, lake Musters, drinking water, wastewater, emerging technology, commercial scaling, technology transfer manuals, costing of photocatalytic treatments, business model, advanced oxidation process.
Comodoro Rivadavia, Fotocatálisis heterogénea, TiO2, Dióxido de titanio, Canvas, Zen Canvas, Lago Musters, Agua potable, Aguas residuales, Tecnología emergente, Escalamiento comercial, Manuales de transferencia, Costeo de tratamientos fotocataliticos, Modelo de negocios, Consultoría, Procesos avanzados de oxidación
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