Óxidos mixtos a partir de hidrotalcita y mgo aplicados en la remoción de boro en agua
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Altos niveles de Boro se encuentran en aguas subterráneas, en áreas asociadas con actividad geotérmica
[1].Un exceso de Boro en agua puede afectar el plasma de la sangre y el sistema endócrino humano. Por
esto la Organización Mundial de la Salud recomienda 0,5 mg/L de Boro como límite máximo para agua
potable [2]. Los compuestos tipo hidrotalcita cuya fórmula general es [Mg+2
1-x Al3+
pertenecen a una familia de compuestos inorgánicos de estructura laminar, denominados arcillas aniónicas.
La descomposición térmica de la estructura generan óxidos mixtos; los cuales tienen la propiedad de
reconstruir la estructura laminar en contacto con soluciones acuosas. Esta propiedad es llamada efecto
memoria. Estos óxidos junto con MgO comercial, fueron comparados en la remoción de boratos en agua. Se
sintetizaron hidrotalcitas de MgAl y sus óxidos mixtos por el método de coprecipitación, donde la relación
molar Mg/Al se varío entre 2 y 4. Los sólidos se caracterizaron por Área superficial y DRX, antes y después
de la remoción. Para cada tiempo de análisis se empleó un reactor batch a temperatura ambiente
manteniendo la relación molar Mg/Boro igual a 20. La concentración de boro inicial en la solución fue 50
ppm, las muestras se filtraron con papel de 20-25 μm, la concentración remanente en las muestras tratadas
se midió por UV-Vis mediante la técnica colorimétrica con Azomethine-H. Se pudo observar por DRX que
en todos los casos los óxidos mixtos reconstruyeron su estructura laminar incorporando el anión borato en
la intercapa, mientras que la muestra de MgO presentó además la fase Mg(OH)2. El óxido mixto de relación
molar Mg/Al igual a 2 presentó el mayor rendimiento con 92 % de remoción de Borato a los 180 min de
Much of the boron that is present in our environment isnaturally occurring. High levels of boron are found in groundwater, in areas associated with geothermal activity. Excess boron in water can affect the blood plasma and the endocrine system of human beings. For this reason, the World Health Organization has recommended a boron concentration of 0.5 mg/L in drinking water as the maximum permissible limit. Hydrotalcite-like compounds of general formula [Mg+2 1-x Al3+ x(OH)2](An-)x/n.mH2O, belong to a family of inorganic laminar structures, called anionic clays. The thermal decomposition of these structures generates mixed oxides, which have the property of laminar reconstruct aqueous solutions contact the structure. This property is called a memory effect. These oxides along with commercial MgO, were compared in the removal of borates in water. MgAl hydrotalcites and mixed oxides were synthesized by the coprecipitation method, the molar ratio Mg/Al was varied between 2 and 4. The solids were characterized by XRD and surface area, before and after removal. For each analysis time a batch reactor was used at room 1056 temperature maintaining the molar ratio Mg/B equal to 20. Initial boron concentration in the solution was 50 ppm, the samples were filtered with paper 20-25 μm, the remaining concentration in the treated samples was measured by UV-Vis by colorimetric technique with azomethine-H. By XRD was observed that in all cases the mixed oxides reconstructed laminar structure incorporating the borate anion in the interlayer, while the MgO sample also presented Mg(OH)2 phase. The mixed oxide of the molar ratio Mg/Al equal to 2 showed the highest yield with 92% removal of Borate at the 180 min contact time.
Much of the boron that is present in our environment isnaturally occurring. High levels of boron are found in groundwater, in areas associated with geothermal activity. Excess boron in water can affect the blood plasma and the endocrine system of human beings. For this reason, the World Health Organization has recommended a boron concentration of 0.5 mg/L in drinking water as the maximum permissible limit. Hydrotalcite-like compounds of general formula [Mg+2 1-x Al3+ x(OH)2](An-)x/n.mH2O, belong to a family of inorganic laminar structures, called anionic clays. The thermal decomposition of these structures generates mixed oxides, which have the property of laminar reconstruct aqueous solutions contact the structure. This property is called a memory effect. These oxides along with commercial MgO, were compared in the removal of borates in water. MgAl hydrotalcites and mixed oxides were synthesized by the coprecipitation method, the molar ratio Mg/Al was varied between 2 and 4. The solids were characterized by XRD and surface area, before and after removal. For each analysis time a batch reactor was used at room 1056 temperature maintaining the molar ratio Mg/B equal to 20. Initial boron concentration in the solution was 50 ppm, the samples were filtered with paper 20-25 μm, the remaining concentration in the treated samples was measured by UV-Vis by colorimetric technique with azomethine-H. By XRD was observed that in all cases the mixed oxides reconstructed laminar structure incorporating the borate anion in the interlayer, while the MgO sample also presented Mg(OH)2 phase. The mixed oxide of the molar ratio Mg/Al equal to 2 showed the highest yield with 92% removal of Borate at the 180 min contact time.
Remoción de boro, óxidos mixtos, compuestos tipo hidrotalcita
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