Implementación de un sistema de comunicación entre un drone y una computadora en tierra para el seguimiento de objetos en tiempo real
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Los vehículos no tripulados o drones controlados por inteligencia artificial cuentan con muchas ventajas
en el ámbito de la seguridad y seguimiento inteligente de personas u objetos. Aun así, sus competencias
se ven limitadas debido a su reducida capacidad de procesamiento de datos. Por este motivo, se propone
incorporar una estructura de comunicación entre un sensor RGB-D que se encuentra a bordo del drone y la
computadora en tierra capaz de ejecutar los algoritmos de inteligencia artificial en tiempo real para poder
entregar los resultados al sistema de vuelo y hacer posible un seguimiento e identificación de un sujeto en
tiempo real. Es por esto que se cuenta con un algoritmo de codificación y transmisión de datos de baja
latencia junto con ROS2 para comunicar, tanto al drone con su estación en tierra como, el procesamiento
de datos.
Unmanned vehicles or drones controlled by artificial intelligence have many advantages in the field of security and intelligent monitoring of people or objects. Even so, its powers are limited due to its reduced data processing capacity. For this reason, it is proposed to incorporate a communication structure between an RGB-D sensor that is on board the drone and the ground computer capable of executing the artificial intelligence algorithms in real time in order to deliver the results to the flight system and make it possible to track and identify a subject in real time. This is why there is a low latency data transmission and coding algorithm together with ROS2 to communicate both the drone with its ground station and the data processing.
Unmanned vehicles or drones controlled by artificial intelligence have many advantages in the field of security and intelligent monitoring of people or objects. Even so, its powers are limited due to its reduced data processing capacity. For this reason, it is proposed to incorporate a communication structure between an RGB-D sensor that is on board the drone and the ground computer capable of executing the artificial intelligence algorithms in real time in order to deliver the results to the flight system and make it possible to track and identify a subject in real time. This is why there is a low latency data transmission and coding algorithm together with ROS2 to communicate both the drone with its ground station and the data processing.
drone, seguimiento autónomo, rastreo, trackeo, rastreo e identificación de personas, persecusión, cámara kinect, tracking, drone communication system, drone controlled by AI, drone tracking, ROS2
Proyecciones, Vol.22 No.1
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