Modelo cinético de obtención selectiva de monoglicéridos mediante óxidos mixtos modificados con litio
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El objetivo del trabajo es proponer un modelo cinético asociado a la reacción de obtención selectiva de monoglicéridos, catalizada por óxidos mixtos derivados de Hidróxidos Dobles Laminares con Li incorporado. La reacción de transesterificación se llevó a cabo en un reactor batch a 220 °C, con relación molar glicerol: estearato de metilo de 6:1, empleando 3% de catalizador con respecto a la masa de reactivos. El estudio cinético fue llevado a cabo usando un modelo del tipo Langmuir-Hinshelwood. Las ecuaciones diferenciales se ajustaron a los valores experimentales mediante ajuste múltiple no lineal. El modelo logró mejor desempeño para explicar la evolución de las concentraciones relativas de estearato de metilo y monoglicéridos, en comparación con las de diglicéridos. Dado que los monoglicéridos son los productos de interés, se considera que el modelo cinético logró una representación aceptable del sistema. Estos resultados permitirán avanzar sobre la simulación del proceso bajo las condiciones definidas
In this work a kinetic model for selective monoglycerides production was proposed. The transesterification reaction of methyl stearate with glycerol was catalyzed by mixed oxides from Layered Double Hydroxides with Li incorporated. The reaction took place in a batch system, the conditions were: 220°C, reactants molar ratio (glycerol: stearate) of 6:1 and catalyst charge of 3% from the reactants weight. The reaction products were identified and quantified by gas chromatography. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood model was used for the kinetic study. The differential equations were fitted to the experimental values by means of a non-linear multiple setting. This proposed kinetic model showed an adequate performance. However, it was more suitable for the stearate and monoglycerides relative concentrations than those of diglycerides. This is acceptable due to monoglycerides are the main reaction products. The obtained results allow to progress on the process simulation under the conditions defined in this stu
In this work a kinetic model for selective monoglycerides production was proposed. The transesterification reaction of methyl stearate with glycerol was catalyzed by mixed oxides from Layered Double Hydroxides with Li incorporated. The reaction took place in a batch system, the conditions were: 220°C, reactants molar ratio (glycerol: stearate) of 6:1 and catalyst charge of 3% from the reactants weight. The reaction products were identified and quantified by gas chromatography. The Langmuir-Hinshelwood model was used for the kinetic study. The differential equations were fitted to the experimental values by means of a non-linear multiple setting. This proposed kinetic model showed an adequate performance. However, it was more suitable for the stearate and monoglycerides relative concentrations than those of diglycerides. This is acceptable due to monoglycerides are the main reaction products. The obtained results allow to progress on the process simulation under the conditions defined in this stu
Modelo cinético, Monoglicérido, Óxidos mixtos, Hidróxidos Dobles Laminares, Kinetic model, Monoglycerides, Mixed oxides, Layered Double Hydroxides
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