Estudio microbiológico y estructural de papas deshidratadas por métodos combinados y envasadas en atmósfera modificada
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Teniendo en cuenta los hábitos actuales de consumo de alimentos mínimamente procesados, en
este trabajo se analizaron los resultados microbiológicos y estructurales de papas secadas por
métodos combinados (microondas y convección con aire caliente) pretratadas por deshidratación
osmótica, las que posteriormente fueron envasadas en bolsas de material multicapa (polietileno-
poliamida-polietileno) en atmósfera modificada (70 % de N2
y 30 % de CO2
) y conservadas en
refrigeración a 4 oC. El pretratamiento consistió en la deshidratación osmótica de cubos de papas
de 1 cm de arista en una solución de xilitol al 40 % m/m y de cloruro de sodio al 5 % m/m a
una temperatura de 40 oC. Posteriormente, las papas fueron llevadas al equipo de microondas, el
que se hizo operar en condiciones de secado combinado, microondas junto con convección con
aire caliente a una potencia de 60 % respecto de la máxima del equipo. El producto obtenido es
conservado en atmósfera modificada y refrigeración. El mismo requiere para su consumo una posterior rehidratación y cocción en un tiempo mínimo con agua en ebullición. Este tiempo se estimó
en 5 min aproximadamente, luego de ensayos de rehidratación y sensoriales.
Considering current habits of consumers, the minimally processed foods were analyzed by the mycrobiological and structural results of the potatoes dryed by combined dry (microwave and hot air convection), pretreated by osmotic dehydration which were latter packaged into multilayers bags (polyethylene-polyamide-polyethylene) under modified atmosphere (70 % of N2 and 30 % of CO2 ) and preserved in refrigeration at 4 oC. Pretreatment consists of osmotic dehydration of cubes of potatoes of 1 cm of edge in a solution of xylitol 40% m/m and sodium chloride 5% m/m at a temperature of 40 °C. Then, potatoes were dryed in the microwaves equipment, in condi- tions of combined drying, microwave and convection with hot air at a power of 60 % from the maximum power of the microwave equipment. The obtained product is preserved in a modified atmosphere and cooling. For consumption, later it requires rehydration and cooking in a minimum time with boiling water. This time was estimated at 5min, after rehydration and sensory tests.
Considering current habits of consumers, the minimally processed foods were analyzed by the mycrobiological and structural results of the potatoes dryed by combined dry (microwave and hot air convection), pretreated by osmotic dehydration which were latter packaged into multilayers bags (polyethylene-polyamide-polyethylene) under modified atmosphere (70 % of N2 and 30 % of CO2 ) and preserved in refrigeration at 4 oC. Pretreatment consists of osmotic dehydration of cubes of potatoes of 1 cm of edge in a solution of xylitol 40% m/m and sodium chloride 5% m/m at a temperature of 40 °C. Then, potatoes were dryed in the microwaves equipment, in condi- tions of combined drying, microwave and convection with hot air at a power of 60 % from the maximum power of the microwave equipment. The obtained product is preserved in a modified atmosphere and cooling. For consumption, later it requires rehydration and cooking in a minimum time with boiling water. This time was estimated at 5min, after rehydration and sensory tests.
alimentos mínimamente procesados, envasado en atmósfera modificada, análisis microbiológico, ánalisis estructural de papas, minimally processed foods, modified atmosphere packaging (map), microbiological analysis, potatoes structural analysis
Proyecciones, Vol.9 No. 1
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