La integración de proveedores locales a la cadena de valor de la energía eólica de alta potencia a partir del Programa RenovAr
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El estudio busca identificar ejes para el desarrollo de la industria nacional de equipamiento y
componentes para generadores de energía eólica de alta potencia. Se presentan los avances
y primeras conclusiones del proyecto de investigación iniciado en el año 2018 referido a:
Estrategias para el Desarrollo de la Trama Productiva de Equipamiento Eólico de Alta Poten-
cia. El proyecto se realiza entre la Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento y la Cámara
de Industriales de Proyectos de Ingeniería y de Bienes de Capital de la República Argentina
(CIPIBIC) que agrupa las empresas de capital nacional fabricantes de equipamiento eólico
de alta potencia y solar fotovoltaico, entre otras empresas industriales. Dentro de CIPIBIC se
encuentra el Clúster Eólico Nacional que congrega a las empresas que se dedican a la inge-
niería y fabricación de equipos eólicos. Se ha optado por una metodología de investigación
cualitativa instrumentada a través de entrevistas en profundidad con los distintos grupos
de interés, básicamente fabricantes, desarrolladores y sus asociaciones, representantes del
gobierno en el poder ejecutivo y legislativo, asociaciones civiles y de estudio en la temática
y organismos técnicos vinculados.
The study seeks to identify guidelines for the development of local wind power generators and their components for the wind energy industry. Preliminary conclusions of the research project initiated in 2018 are presented, referring to strategies for the development of wind energy equipment. The research project is developed by the National University of General Sarmiento and the Chamber of Industrial Projects of Engineering and Capital Goods of Argentina (CIPIBIC), which groups local wind equipment manufacturing companies, among others companies. Within CIPIBIC is the National Wind Cluster that brings together companies that focus on the design and manufacturing of wind energy equipment. The research team opted for a qualitative research methodology implemented through in-depth interviews with stakehol- ders, manufacturers, developers and their associations, government representatives in the executive and legislative branches, civil associations and related technical bodies.
The study seeks to identify guidelines for the development of local wind power generators and their components for the wind energy industry. Preliminary conclusions of the research project initiated in 2018 are presented, referring to strategies for the development of wind energy equipment. The research project is developed by the National University of General Sarmiento and the Chamber of Industrial Projects of Engineering and Capital Goods of Argentina (CIPIBIC), which groups local wind equipment manufacturing companies, among others companies. Within CIPIBIC is the National Wind Cluster that brings together companies that focus on the design and manufacturing of wind energy equipment. The research team opted for a qualitative research methodology implemented through in-depth interviews with stakehol- ders, manufacturers, developers and their associations, government representatives in the executive and legislative branches, civil associations and related technical bodies.
energía eólica, marcos regulatorios, cadena de valor, wind energy, regulatory frames, value chain
Proyecciones, Vol.18 No. 1
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