Enseñanza y aplicación de métodos numéricos en problemas de ingeniería, utilizando la potencialidad de la inteligencia artificial (ChatGPT) en el aula combinada con programación en Python y entorno de trabajo colaborativo en Google Colab
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La inteligencia artificial (IA) se encuentra presente ya de una manera indiscutible en la sociedad y en
muchos ámbitos académicos y laborales se han comenzado a utilizar las diferentes herramientas de IA
disponibles en línea que hay en la actualidad como ser por ejemplo ChatGPT (Openai, 2023), Midjourney
(Midjourney, 2023) y Dall-e 2 (Openai, 2023). En este trabajo se explicita lo que se considera una
experiencia innovadora en la enseñanza y aplicación de diferentes métodos numéricos utilizados en la
cátedra de Análisis Numérico y Cálculo Avanzado para resolver problemas de ingeniería, aprovechando
como herramienta novedosa la potencialidad de la IA de ChatGPT, combinado con la generación y
programación de los diferentes métodos numéricos usando código en lenguaje Python y la plataforma
de trabajo Google Colab, lo que nos permite analizar el funcionamiento de los diferentes algoritmos
generados y que las y los estudiantes puedan resolver luego ejemplos aplicados. Google Colab permite a
su vez la posibilidad de editar estos algoritmos y trabajarlos en forma colaborativa a través de la formación
de diferentes grupos de trabajo formados dentro del curso por las y los estudiantes, para mejorar estos
algoritmos y hacer diversas pruebas con ejemplos relacionados a la carrera de Ingeniería Industrial.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is already present in an indisputable way in society and in many academic and work fields they have begun to use the different AI tools available online today, such as ChatGPT (Openai, 2023), Midjourney (Midjourney, 2023) and Dall-e 2 (Openai, 2023). From the National Technological University (UTN), La Plata regional faculty, we want to show in this work what we consider an innovative experience in the teaching and application of different numerical methods used in the course of Numerical Analysis and Advanced Calculation to solve engineering problems, taking advantage of the potential of the AI of ChatGPT as a novel tool, combined with the generation and programming of the different numerical methods using code in the Python language and the Google Colab work platform, which allows us to analyze the operation of the different algorithms generated and that the students can then solve applied examples. Google Colab in turn allows the possibility of editing these algorithms and working on them collaboratively through the formation of different work groups within the course formed by the students, to improve these algorithms and carry out various tests with examples related to the Industrial Engineering degree.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is already present in an indisputable way in society and in many academic and work fields they have begun to use the different AI tools available online today, such as ChatGPT (Openai, 2023), Midjourney (Midjourney, 2023) and Dall-e 2 (Openai, 2023). From the National Technological University (UTN), La Plata regional faculty, we want to show in this work what we consider an innovative experience in the teaching and application of different numerical methods used in the course of Numerical Analysis and Advanced Calculation to solve engineering problems, taking advantage of the potential of the AI of ChatGPT as a novel tool, combined with the generation and programming of the different numerical methods using code in the Python language and the Google Colab work platform, which allows us to analyze the operation of the different algorithms generated and that the students can then solve applied examples. Google Colab in turn allows the possibility of editing these algorithms and working on them collaboratively through the formation of different work groups within the course formed by the students, to improve these algorithms and carry out various tests with examples related to the Industrial Engineering degree.
métodos numéricos, ingeniería industrial, inteligencia artificial, programación python, google colab, numerical methods, industrial engineering, artificial intelligence, python programming
Proyecciones, Vol.22 No.1
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