Trastornos musculoesqueléticos en el personal de enfermería de un Hospital de Alta Complejidad en Argentina.
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Escuela de Posgrado. Facultad Regional Buenos Aires
Este trabajo se desarrolla en un hospital de alta complejidad donde se analizaron las causas de
ausentismo a fines de determinar cuales son las principales patologías y sus orígenes.
La metodología implicó el análisis de la distribución de las licencias y la aplicación del
método MAPO. Se determinó que existe un gran nivel de ausencia por dolores a nivel de la
columna vertebral, y particularmente este caso se da en el personal de enfermería “(123
licencias)”. Por lo tanto, se realizó una evaluación ergonómica del punto de vista físico de los
puestos de enfermería (en donde hay más incidencia de TME de la columna).
Al revisar posibles factores causales, el análisis muestra que los servicios con mayor
aparición de lesiones son los servicios relacionados al cuidado complejo, registrando el sector
de Terapia Intensiva Adultos 38 casos, Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica 29 casos, Cuidados
Intermedios del Adulto 18 casos y la Unidad Coronaria 19 casos
Como resultado del análisis del puesto de trabajo de enfermería mediante la aplicación del
método MAPO se puede observar que en el Servicio de Hospital de día, el índice arrojó como
resultado MEDIO, y a nivel de los servicios de CIADU, UTIA y UTIP el resultado fue
En consecuencia, observando las estadísticas del Hospital en relación a los TME, es lo que
está descrito en la literatura. Esto por tratarse de fenomenos multifactoriales como lo son el
pluriempleo, el sexo y la predisposicion a desarrollar la enfermedades.
This work is carried out in a highly complex hospital where the causes of absenteeism were analyzed in order to determine the main pathologies and their origins. The methodology involved the analysis of the distribution of licenses and the application of the MAPO method. It was determined that there is a high level of absence due to pain at the level of the spine, and this case particularly occurs in the nursing staff "(123 licenses)." Therefore, an ergonomic evaluation was carried out from the physical point of view of the nursing stations (where there is a higher incidence of spinal MSDs). When reviewing possible causal factors, the analysis shows that the services with the highest occurrence of injuries are the services related to complex care, registering the Adult Intensive Care sector 38 cases, Pediatric Intensive Care 29 cases, Adult Intermediate Care 18 cases and the Unit Coronary 19 cases As a result of the analysis of the nursing job through the application of the MAPO method, it can be observed that in the Day Hospital Service, the index gave a MEDIUM result, and at the level of the CIADU, UTIA and UTIP services the result was irrelevant.
This work is carried out in a highly complex hospital where the causes of absenteeism were analyzed in order to determine the main pathologies and their origins. The methodology involved the analysis of the distribution of licenses and the application of the MAPO method. It was determined that there is a high level of absence due to pain at the level of the spine, and this case particularly occurs in the nursing staff "(123 licenses)." Therefore, an ergonomic evaluation was carried out from the physical point of view of the nursing stations (where there is a higher incidence of spinal MSDs). When reviewing possible causal factors, the analysis shows that the services with the highest occurrence of injuries are the services related to complex care, registering the Adult Intensive Care sector 38 cases, Pediatric Intensive Care 29 cases, Adult Intermediate Care 18 cases and the Unit Coronary 19 cases As a result of the analysis of the nursing job through the application of the MAPO method, it can be observed that in the Day Hospital Service, the index gave a MEDIUM result, and at the level of the CIADU, UTIA and UTIP services the result was irrelevant.
Ergonomía, trastornos musculoesqueléticos, movilización de pacientes