La regionalización como particularidad institucional de la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional
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Esta investigación aborda el tema de la “regionalización” como particularidad institucional de
la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional en la Argentina. El estudio de caso, considera el modelo
organizacional regionalizado, desde un enfoque socio-histórico, organizacional y pedagógico.
Intenta precisar, qué características particulares la conforman en comparación con otras instituciones de Educación Superior. El estudio de caso se completa con un video testimonial,
recurso tecnológico que permitió recuperar testimonios de actores de la vida institucional
universitaria de entonces y que por razones obvias no forma parte de esta presentación, pero
que ha permitido confirmar las hipótesis acerca de la regionalización y sus efectos socioeducativos, y forman parte de las conclusiones del presente trabajo.
This research paper deals with the subject of “regionalization” as an institutional characteristic of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) in Argentina. It is a study case through which the organizational model based on regionalization established by this University is analyzed from a socio-historical, organizational and pedagogic approach. This research paper tries to identify the specific characteristics that differentiate this University from other high level education institu- tions. The “testimonial video” (not included) selected to recover the testimonies of the different actors, allows the confirmation of “regionalization” and socioeducational impacts.
This research paper deals with the subject of “regionalization” as an institutional characteristic of the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) in Argentina. It is a study case through which the organizational model based on regionalization established by this University is analyzed from a socio-historical, organizational and pedagogic approach. This research paper tries to identify the specific characteristics that differentiate this University from other high level education institu- tions. The “testimonial video” (not included) selected to recover the testimonies of the different actors, allows the confirmation of “regionalization” and socioeducational impacts.
educación superior, movilidad social, relación estudio trabajo, enseñanza democratizadora, relatos testimoniales, higher education, social improve, relationships between study and work, democratic teaching the testimonies
Proyecciones, Vol.11 No. 1
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