Diseño estructural de puente peatonal sobre acceso Rodríguez Artusi, Concepción del Uruguay
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Para llevar a cabo el presente proyecto final se tomó la ciudad de Concepción del
Uruguay como área de intervención, realizando un relevamiento y diagnóstico, mediante entrevistas y consultas a distintos profesionales y organismos de la ciudad, para detectar las falencias presentes, que se pudieran abordar desde la profesión. De todas las problemáticas relevadas, se optó por intervenir en tres de ellas para realizar un anteproyecto para cada una, referidas a las tres ramas principales de la carrera, un anteproyecto arquitectónico, hidráulico/saneamiento y vial.
En primer lugar, como anteproyecto arquitectónico, se resolvió la problemática social
de la falta de instituciones dedicadas al albergue de niños y adolescentes en situación de vulnerabilidad, mediante la proyección de un nuevo edificio para alojar una residencia socioeducativa mixta, de niños y adolescentes de ambos géneros.
Referido al anteproyecto hidráulico/saneamiento, se optó por dar solución a la carencia de red cloacal y la reactivación de una planta de tratamiento de efluentes abandonada en la zona norte de la ciudad, particularmente en el Barrio 134 viviendas, su anexo de 30 viviendas y sus alrededores.
Por otro lado, el anteproyecto vial abarcado fue la puesta en valor del acceso de tránsito pesado de la ciudad, Rodríguez Artusi, en su tramo desde la Autovía Artigas hasta el Boulevard Doctor R. Uncal, haciendo énfasis en el tránsito peatonal sobre el mismo.
Mediante un análisis de ponderación de las tres problemáticas abordadas, se obtuvo que el de mayor relevancia e importancia fue el anteproyecto vial, llevando este a nivel proyecto ejecutivo, enfocándose principalmente en el tránsito peatonal. Por tal motivo, se realizó el diseño estructural de un puente peatonal metálico sobre el acceso de la ciudad intervenido.
This final project took place in the city of Concepción del Uruguay, where a diagnosis was made in order to find certain problems that were able to be addressed from a civil engineering point a view. This diagnosis was made through surveys and consulting with local professionals and institutions, that could provide information about these problems present in their city. Three of these problems were chosen to be solved, proposing a preliminary project for each one of them, that refer to each one of the three branches of the career; an architecture preliminary project, a hydraulic/sanitation preliminary project and a road preliminary project. The first issue resolved was the lack of institutions dedicated to sheltering kids and teenagers in vulnerable situations, through the project of a new building made for such purpose. From a hydraulic/sanitation point of view, the issue resolved was the lack of sewer network and the reactivation of an abandoned sewage effluent treatment plant in the northern zone of the city. On the other hand, the preliminary road project was the improvement of the heavy traffic road access to the city, Rodriguez Artusi, emphasizing on the pedestrain circulation of this road access. Through an analysis done with all three of the preliminary projects, it was determined that the preliminary road project was the most relevant and important one of them all, focusing on the pedestrian circulation of the intervened road access to the city. Due to this, the executive project done was the structural design of a metal pedestrain bridge. KEYWORDS: Concepción del Uruguay, Residence for teenag .
This final project took place in the city of Concepción del Uruguay, where a diagnosis was made in order to find certain problems that were able to be addressed from a civil engineering point a view. This diagnosis was made through surveys and consulting with local professionals and institutions, that could provide information about these problems present in their city. Three of these problems were chosen to be solved, proposing a preliminary project for each one of them, that refer to each one of the three branches of the career; an architecture preliminary project, a hydraulic/sanitation preliminary project and a road preliminary project. The first issue resolved was the lack of institutions dedicated to sheltering kids and teenagers in vulnerable situations, through the project of a new building made for such purpose. From a hydraulic/sanitation point of view, the issue resolved was the lack of sewer network and the reactivation of an abandoned sewage effluent treatment plant in the northern zone of the city. On the other hand, the preliminary road project was the improvement of the heavy traffic road access to the city, Rodriguez Artusi, emphasizing on the pedestrain circulation of this road access. Through an analysis done with all three of the preliminary projects, it was determined that the preliminary road project was the most relevant and important one of them all, focusing on the pedestrian circulation of the intervened road access to the city. Due to this, the executive project done was the structural design of a metal pedestrain bridge. KEYWORDS: Concepción del Uruguay, Residence for teenag .
Infraestructura vial, Puente peatonal
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