Proyecto de inversión de empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de galletitas saludables
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El siguiente proyecto consiste en la elaboración de galletitas saludables libres de harinas y azúcares blancas. Tienen como principal objetivo cuidar la salud de sus consumidores ya que los ingredientes seleccionados para cada receta aportan múltiples beneficios nutricionales.
Se desarrollaron tres variedades están son: chocolate con almendras y nueces, vainilla con chips de chocolate y limón y coco. Estos se podrán adquirir en dos presentaciones de 115 y 230 gramos.
La firma se constituirá bajo la denominación social BISCOTTI SRL.
La empresa tendrá su centro de producción en las inmediaciones de la ciudad de Campana, Provincia de Buenos Aires, los productos serán comercializados en las provincias de Buenos Aires, Santa Fé y Córdoba. Las ventas se realizarán mediante la página oficial de la marca y por medio de la cadena de supermercados DÍA, la misma cuenta con un centro logístico a menos de 50 km de la planta de producción y posee gran cantidad de sucursales distribuidas a lo largo del país.
La idea de negocio consiste en ofrecer un producto de consumo diario, de fácil consumo, conservación y traslado. Por sobre estas características genere saciedad y aporte beneficios nutricionales para la salud del consumidor.
Para comenzar el proyecto es necesaria una inversión inicial de $109.600.657, la cual incluye infraestructura, equipos y herramientas, muebles y útiles, rodados. Dicha inversión posee un periodo de recupero de un año.
Luego de analizar las alternativas de financiamiento, es decir, con capital propio y de terceros se determinó que la opción más conveniente es tomar un préstamo. Con una tasa mínima de rendimiento del 50% para un escenario como el planteado los indicadores financieros arrojan los siguientes valores: TIR de 344% y VAN de $341.588.977.
The next project consists in the elaboration of healthy cookies, free of white flour and sugar. The main objective is to take care the health of their consumers, thanks to the ingredients selected for each récipe, that they provide multiple nutritional benefits. Three varieties were developed: chocolate with almonds and walnuts, vanilla with chocolate chips, and lemon and coconut. These can be purchased in two presentations of 115 and 230 grams. The firm will be incorporated under the corporate name BISCOTTI SRL. The company will have its production center in the vicinity of Campana City, Province of Buenos Aires, the products will be marketed in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fé and Córdoba. Sales will be made through the brand's official website and through the DÍA supermarket chain, which has a logistics center less than 50 km from the production center and has a large number of branches distributed throughout the country. The business idea consists of offering a product for daily consumption, easy to consume, easy conservation and transportation. Above these characteristics, it generates satiety and provides nutritional benefits for the consumer's health. To start the project, is necessary $109,600,657, which includes infrastructure, equipment and tools, furniture and tools, vehicles. This investment has a recovery period of one year. After analyzing the financing alternatives, that is, with own and third party capital, it was determined that the most convenient option is the last one. With a minimum rate of return of 50%, for a context like the one proposed, the financial indicators show the following values: IRR of 344% and NPV of $341,588,977.
The next project consists in the elaboration of healthy cookies, free of white flour and sugar. The main objective is to take care the health of their consumers, thanks to the ingredients selected for each récipe, that they provide multiple nutritional benefits. Three varieties were developed: chocolate with almonds and walnuts, vanilla with chocolate chips, and lemon and coconut. These can be purchased in two presentations of 115 and 230 grams. The firm will be incorporated under the corporate name BISCOTTI SRL. The company will have its production center in the vicinity of Campana City, Province of Buenos Aires, the products will be marketed in the provinces of Buenos Aires, Santa Fé and Córdoba. Sales will be made through the brand's official website and through the DÍA supermarket chain, which has a logistics center less than 50 km from the production center and has a large number of branches distributed throughout the country. The business idea consists of offering a product for daily consumption, easy to consume, easy conservation and transportation. Above these characteristics, it generates satiety and provides nutritional benefits for the consumer's health. To start the project, is necessary $109,600,657, which includes infrastructure, equipment and tools, furniture and tools, vehicles. This investment has a recovery period of one year. After analyzing the financing alternatives, that is, with own and third party capital, it was determined that the most convenient option is the last one. With a minimum rate of return of 50%, for a context like the one proposed, the financial indicators show the following values: IRR of 344% and NPV of $341,588,977.
Cookies, Galletitas, Producto sin TAC, Libre de azúcar, Comercialización
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