Análisis de factibilidad técnica y económica de una empresa dedicada a la producción de empanadas congeladas
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El presente proyecto se basa en la puesta en marcha de una planta fabril dedicada a la elaboración de empanadas congeladas precocidas. Dicha empresa se especializa en la producción y comercialización de seis variedades diferentes de productos, las cuales son: carne, jamón y queso, pollo, verdura y queso, capresse y, por último, cebolla y queso. A su vez, estos productos serán comercializados en cajas de media docena y una docena, estimando una cantidad de ventas de 236.880 kg anuales, equivalente a 1.974.000 de empanadas aproximadamente. La empresa operará bajo la denominación de Sabores Argentinos SRL, ofreciendo dichos productos con la marca EmpanAR y la misma estará localizada en el Parque Industrial San Lorenzo ubicado en laprovincia de Santa Fe.
La producción para el primer ejercicio económico es de 1.974.000 empanadas, lo cual proporciona un ingreso estimado de $ 339.357.549, considerando un aumento del 5% anual. La puesta en marcha del proyecto requiere de una inversión en infraestructura, máquinas y equipos, muebles, transporte, materiales, entre otros, lo cual arroja un monto estimado de $ 169.000.000, siendo analizadas las opciones de financiamiento propio y ajeno y ser más factible la del financiamiento ajeno. La tasa mínima aceptable de rendimiento es de 35% y se estima un VAN de $ 42.379.423,
una TIR de 48% y el período de recupero de la inversión se dará en el sexto ejercicio económico de actividad.
This project is based on the start-up of a manufacturing plant dedicated to the preparation of precooked frozen empanadas. This company specializes in the production and marketing of six different tipes of products, which are: meat, ham and cheese, chicken, vegetables and cheese, capresse and, finally, onion and cheese. These products will be delivered in boxes of half a dozen and a dozen, estimating sales of 236.880 kg per year, equivalent to approximately 1.974.000 empanadas. The company will be operating under the name of Sabores Argentinos SRL, offering the products under the brand “EmpanAR” and it will be located in the San Lorenzo Industrial Park, Santa Fe. Production for the first fiscal year is 1.974.000 empanadas, which provides an estimated income of $ 339.357.549, considering an annual increase of 5%. The implementation of the project requires an investment in infrastructure, machinery and equipment, furniture, transportation, materials, among others, the estimated amount is about $169.000.000, and had been analyzed the options of own capital and external financing and is more feasible the external-financing. The minimum acceptable rate of return is 35% and an estimated NPV of $ 42.379.423, an IRR of 48% and the recovery period of the investment will occur in the sixth fiscal year of activity.
This project is based on the start-up of a manufacturing plant dedicated to the preparation of precooked frozen empanadas. This company specializes in the production and marketing of six different tipes of products, which are: meat, ham and cheese, chicken, vegetables and cheese, capresse and, finally, onion and cheese. These products will be delivered in boxes of half a dozen and a dozen, estimating sales of 236.880 kg per year, equivalent to approximately 1.974.000 empanadas. The company will be operating under the name of Sabores Argentinos SRL, offering the products under the brand “EmpanAR” and it will be located in the San Lorenzo Industrial Park, Santa Fe. Production for the first fiscal year is 1.974.000 empanadas, which provides an estimated income of $ 339.357.549, considering an annual increase of 5%. The implementation of the project requires an investment in infrastructure, machinery and equipment, furniture, transportation, materials, among others, the estimated amount is about $169.000.000, and had been analyzed the options of own capital and external financing and is more feasible the external-financing. The minimum acceptable rate of return is 35% and an estimated NPV of $ 42.379.423, an IRR of 48% and the recovery period of the investment will occur in the sixth fiscal year of activity.
Empanadas, Alimento congelado, Industria alimentaria, Alimento precocido, Frozen food, Food industry, Precooked food
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