Remoción de arsénico mediante óxidos mixtos y zeolitas naturales modificadas. Influencia del contenido de hierro.
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Se sintetizaron Hidróxidos Dobles Laminares (HDLs), por el método de coprecipitación, para obtener sus respectivos Óxidos Metálicos Mixtos (OM) de alta área superficial. Además, se acondicionó y modificó una zeolita natural, de origen regional, con alto contenido de Clinoptilolita (ZC). A la misma se le efectuó un tratamiento ácido y posteriormente se le incorporó Fe(III) por el método de impregnación húmeda. Todos los materiales sólidos fueron caracterizados por DRX, BET, XPS y AES para determinar sus propiedades fisicoquímicas. Posteriormente fueron evaluados como adsorbentes para la remoción de arsénico en aguas subterráneas. El seguimiento de la concentración de As y sus especies se realizó por voltamperometría con redisolución, método electroquímico de alta selectividad y sensibilidad. Se evaluó el material empleado como adsorbente y el efecto del contenido de hierro en el mismo. Se alcanzaron altos niveles de efectividad en cuanto a la remoción, siendo los OM de mayor contenido de hierro los de mayor capacidad.
Layered Double Hydroxides (HDLs) and Mixed Metalic Oxides (OM) of high specific area were synthesized by the coprecipitation method. A natural zeolite (ZC) from a regional quarry with high Clinoptilolite content was conditioned and modified. Initially, an acid treatment was applied and subsequently Fe (III) was incorporated by the wet impregnation method. The as prepared solid materials were characterized by XRD, BET, XPS and AES techniques to determine their physicochemical properties. Later they were evaluated as adsorbents for Arsenic removal of water. The tracking of As and its species concentration at traces level was carried out by voltamperometry with redissolution, high selectivity and sensitivity electrochemical method. The effect of the material used as adsorbent and of the iron content in it was evaluated. High levels of effectiveness in terms of removal were achieved, particularly with the highest iron content OM
Layered Double Hydroxides (HDLs) and Mixed Metalic Oxides (OM) of high specific area were synthesized by the coprecipitation method. A natural zeolite (ZC) from a regional quarry with high Clinoptilolite content was conditioned and modified. Initially, an acid treatment was applied and subsequently Fe (III) was incorporated by the wet impregnation method. The as prepared solid materials were characterized by XRD, BET, XPS and AES techniques to determine their physicochemical properties. Later they were evaluated as adsorbents for Arsenic removal of water. The tracking of As and its species concentration at traces level was carried out by voltamperometry with redissolution, high selectivity and sensitivity electrochemical method. The effect of the material used as adsorbent and of the iron content in it was evaluated. High levels of effectiveness in terms of removal were achieved, particularly with the highest iron content OM
Arsénico, Remoción, Óxidos Metálicos Mixtos, Zeolitas naturales, Arsenic, Removal, Mixed Metalic Oxides, Natural zeolites
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